by eggsurplus

Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5648 Suite 8 upgrade - Are there any plans to release a version compatible with SuiteCRM 8.6+ ? Open General Question
#5644 Hi! - Hello. I wanted to know if the dual assignment feature is included in the Bug module, as I'm working cequeira Open Installation
#5616 additional assigned users - Hi, for our api we would like to know if there is a way to access the additional users over the Be support20 Open General Question
#5586 Convert from Monthly subscription to Yearly subscription - Hi. Is it possible to convert from monthly subscriptions to a yearly one without changing the subscr apichais Open General Question
#5563 Hi! - Hello!! What is the limit of assignments it supports and in which types of modules can it be applied cequeira Open General Question
#5530 Version for 7.14.6 - Hi Support, Do you have a package for SuiteCRM 7.14.6? Kind regards, FibreCRM Closed Bug?
#5494 How to enable 'Hookup Module' for system modules? - Hello. I am trying to use the 'Hookup Module' function, but I noticed that not all modules are liste alexteixeira Closed General Question
#5407 Compatibility with ParserFactory - ParserFactory is a standard part of Suite. it is used to get metadata for a modules view. At the t Open Feature
#5383 SuiteCRM 8.6.1 compatibility... - I've installed a recent version of SuiteCRM 8.6...upgrading with recent security/maintenance version Open Installation
#5360 Enterprise license required for demo purposes - We need a forever lasting license key of Enterprise (a demo key?) so that our demo servers can assig FibreCRM Closed General Question
#5335 Site Down URGENT - Help, my renewal failed and my site is down. Please try the renewal again. Urgent peterjakob Closed General Question
#5204 can't verify lizence - suitecrm 7.14.2 and securitysuite 3.2 (enterprise) - Hello, Some Backgrounds: At the moment I wanted to rebuild our Suitecrm on a fresh and up-to-d support20 Closed Bug?
#5123 Support for PHP 8.2 - Hi Support, Is the module compatible with PHP 8.2? Kind regards. FibreCRM Closed General Question
#5105 Security Group for Multibranch - Hello, I would like to know the possibility of the below-mentioned requirement using the Security Dreamer Technologies Open Feature
#5102 SuiteCRM 8.4 Support - Does this plugin support SuiteCRM 8 version? Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Open General Question
#5093 Field Level Access Control - Does your version for 7.13 still support field level access by roles? Thanks Peter peterjakob Open General Question
#5087 Relationship::get_other_module cannot be called statically - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method Relationship::get_other_module() cannot be calle t Closed Bug?
#5078 New Module Security Groups are Inheriting from correcly but user cant see record - Hello, We created a new Module and created a relationship from the security module to the new Mod daniel Closed Bug?
#5060 SuiteCRM 8.4 Support - Hello, We would like to ask if the plugin is compatible and aligned to the latest SuiteCRM versio Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Open General Question
#5018 All groups and roles unable to create records - I'm running SuiteCRM 7.13.0 The installation version of SecuritySuite is 3.1.32 I created 3 secu Larry Rudd Closed General Question
#5017 Calls module not visible for a particular user - We have a security group created as SDAM_PC. All users in this group can see Calls module where as o Power Choice In Progress Bug?
#4974 Call to undefined method SugarView::SugarView() - named constructors where deprecated in PHP 5 and are no longer included in PHP 8 constructors shoul t Open Bug?
#4934 Error log shows securitysuite checking license even after removal of module - Hi. I've used the SecuritySuite plugin for a couple of months but have not removed it as the require apichais In Progress Bug?
#4910 Security Group Mass assign -issue - Hello, i am currently having an issue with a lot of records. I imported records into a new custom daniel In Progress Bug?
#4884 Old style constructors in Module Builder view files break Studio - servers responds with error code uncaught Error: Call to undefined method SugarView::SugarView t t Open Bug?
#4863 Request for Support suiteCRM 7.13.3? - I'm writing to kindly request you to update the plugin to support 7.13.3 version. I appreciate it. Closed General Question
#4734 500 crash. Non-static method Relationship::get_other_module() cannot be called statically - modules/SecurityGroups/SecurityGroup.php contains a mistake at 351 where the Relationship get_other_ t Open Bug?
#4712 Security Suite for V.7.13.1 - Hi Is there a version for 7.13.1? mkilantang Closed General Question
#4648 SuiteCRM 8 release update - Hello, Do you have an update on the SuiteCRM 8 release? Open General Question
#4639 SecuritySuite Heritage with Quick Create - Hello, I dont know if this is intended or a bug, but when a user creates a record (for example, a TTIR Closed Bug?
#4624 Relationship between Employee and Security Suite - Hi, Is that possible to create a relationship between module Employees and SecuritySuite? In our TTIR Closed Bug?
#4608 meetings_users and calls_users error - Hello I have found what i think it is a bug. After installing SecuritySuite plugin when i create carlosbasto Closed Bug?
#4573 SecuritySuite - Trial - Hello I am trying your SecuritySuite but i have found a problem. My version of suitecrm is 7.1 carlosbasto Closed Bug?
#4477 User with two groups, and different edit views - Hi, I have a question about functionality of security suite, for SuiteCRM. I have a user who is Etairos Business Solutions Open Feature
#4412 Security Suite Group permissions not working correctly - Security Suite Plugin is installed but the group permissions are not working. Owner and All is worki Power Choice In Progress Bug?
#4405 License Keys and SuiteCRM instances - Hello! We have one production instance and one dev instance of SuiteCRM. Would we be able to use Closed General Question
#4315 New fields added to screen saved and published but screen remains the same. - Hi, We have suitecrm 7.11.21 with the corresponding version of security suite. It has been working diegoandsu In Progress Bug?
#4308 Urgent- Mass Update Additional Assigned User in Account Module - I Want Mass Update Additional Assigned User in Account Module Is this available? ddvquy Open Feature
#4293 Is it support suiteCRM version 8.0? - the new version of 8.0 is release , is it support already? zhangfengkai1 Open Feature
#4216 Conflict/Issue between SecuritySuite and SuiteCRM Role Module - OS: Debian 10 updated to latest version Web Server - Apache2 PHP 7.3.31-1~deb10u1 (cli) (built: Oc Open Bug?
#4187 how to see update Docs? - i received update email once, but now i don't see new one ,when i found new updates list to downloa zhangfengkai1 Open Feature
#4165 I tried to update my payment information - I tried to update my payment information and I don't know if the payment was successful. ManuelGonzalez Closed General Question
#4087 Support for 7.12.2 version! - Hi Guys, Do you support latest LTS 7.12.2 version of SuiteCRM? Best Regards, Slaven. itglaafs Closed Bug?
#4075 SG release for 8.0+ ? - Hello Do you have any information or release date for Security Groups for 8.0? Thanks again t Open General Question
#4016 Error with the security suite plugin - We have the Suite CRM version 7.11.20 and have installed the corresponding Security Suite 7.11.20. A ithelpdesk In Progress Bug?
#3988 New version of security suite is not getting installed - New version of security suite is not getting installed. Even after it shows the process is completed Adogra Open Installation
#3940 Error 500 when adding additional assigned users to Task - Hi, On suitecrm 7.11.21. when you add addtional assigned users to a task it crashes and displays " diegoandsu Closed Bug?
#3908 Allow user to select their own primary group - Hi, We have a situation were a couple of departments provide BackOffice support for other departm diegoandsu In Progress Feature
#3905 Is it possible to pay it for once? - Now it can only pay for annually, can i pay it just for once ,Royalty-free ,don't need pay it year b zhangfengkai1 Open Feature
#3886 Additional assigned users - report, mass update and workflow support - Hi, Can I user additional assigned users field in reports, workflows? Is it possible to mass upda pablo Open General Question
#3857 Support for SuiteCRM 7.11.21 - Hi, There are a couple of things we are keen to use in 7.11.21, however there is no Security Suite diegoandsu Closed General Question
#3847 Security Suite Professional - User with Admin & Developer Access on Contacts module cannot update via Import - Hi, a customer of ours with Security Suite Professional has a User with Role set like: Contacts > A Lion Solution Open Bug?
#3843 Security Suite Professional - give to a User Edit permissions on Employees module - A customer of mine has the Security Suite Professional package installed on his SuiteCRM instance. Lion Solution Closed General Question
#3832 Warning! SecuritySuite no Longer Matches - Hi, I;m getting this message in log file Warning! SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of anabykhovsky Closed Bug?
#3828 Users assigned under additional users wont act as owner of the record - cannot view the records - Hi Team, We have created a role & set the records to be viewed owner only. The users assigned un RedPiranha Open Bug?
#3823 Additional assigned users and workflows - Hi, I want to add/remove uses from the additional assigned users field using a workflow when a cert diegoandsu Open General Question
#3813 Use with Custom Modules - Will this work out of the box on a system that has a lot of custom modules? Or do you need to do ex magpie-pgz Open General Question
#3810 Sudo Login for 'non admin' role - We have a role / group of users They are 'super users' and have admin rights to the users module t Open General Question
#3785 Group layout doesn't work - Hi I saw a post similar to my question here: Hermes-Epitek Open Bug?
#3733 Security groups not working properly on PDF templates - I am trying to create PDF's templates that must be available only to certain users (who are already Davint Open Bug?
#3709 Layout hierarchy for use within departments - Hi, We are quite happy with the enterprise edition of security suite, however we have come across a diegoandsu In Progress Feature
#3704 Select button in subpanel allows editing of records regardless of user permissions - CURRENT BEHAVIOUR (SUITECRM V7.11.13 and 7.11.14) The select button is always present on subpanels diegoandsu In Progress Feature
#3685 Role for resetting User passwords - Hi We are using this plugin in a large organisation and would like to create a role for users wi t Closed Bug?
#3624 Virus - Email incoming and outgoing froze vancolbri Open Bug?
#3612 Access permissions for Documents - Greetings. We're attempting to set up a structure where a user can save purchase agreements, invoice jreutter Open General Question
#3505 Missing Create button when Edit role is set to none - Hello, I've created a custom module and I've set the permissions for my logged in users in the fo Davint Closed Bug?
#3501 Integration modules not working - When I create relationship through integration module, nothing happens. The plugin should create th lucalieggi In Progress Bug?
#3494 Show it in the report - hi there ,the plugin is great! But could it support show in the Reports??? Seems like i cannot find zhangfengkai1 Open Feature
#3424 cancel - I would like to cancel. How do i go about that? wjadoman Closed General Question
#3381 issue to uninstall Security Suite - Hi, I need help to uninstall SuiteCRM. I try to uninstall it from our dev environnement. Uninstal Groupe Cahors Closed Installation
#3361 how to add it on change log - now seems like it is done before aftersave ,so it can't catch it on the change log zhangfengkai1 Open Feature
#3249 Group Mapping for Users is not working - Group Mapping for Users is not working. It's working if its set to Owner or All but if user is havin Adogra In Progress Bug?
#3235 List View not changing - The list view on custom modules is not updating or changing since I have started using this module. rdprasadravi In Progress Bug?
#3229 Individual Dashlet configuration for Groups in Studio no longer works - Hi, in 3.1.18 we had a lot auf individual Dashlets list and search configs for different Security G sgi In Progress Bug?
#3218 Mass Assign Leads to Security Group SuiteCRM 7.11.18 - When mass assigning all Lead records in a ListView, the query fails because the join table has the w nelem Closed Bug?
#3116 how to add additional user in sub-pannel quick create? - hi ,i didn't find it in quick create in studio .... zhangfengkai1 Closed Feature
#3095 Cannot import data - Pls help When I import data from csv file; it reads as follow VIAutoPopulateFieldsLicenseAddon tuanan Closed Bug?
#2982 Additional Assigned Users not retained on duplicated record - Hi, there seems to be a bug with the Additional Assigned User(s) information when duplicating rec Groupe Cahors Closed Bug?
#2968 Non Admin user is unable to create the user - Hi Team, We are unable to provide the access to non admin user to create new user. Thanks elementhcp Open Bug?
#2934 Deprecated log entries - I am getting the following errors in my log file after installing your module. Please advise. [ ivansr Open Bug?
#2931 How to trigger workflows for "Additional Assigned Users" - Hi Team, I cannot see option to trigger workflows to "Additional Assigned Users", May i know how RedPiranha Open Bug?
#2930 Mass Assigning Panel is missing - Hi Team, To update the security groups on bulk , we are unable to see the option. Kindly let us k RedPiranha Open Bug?
#2923 Cannot see Additional assigned users field in projects , Project tasks modules - Hi Team, I m not able to see the "Additional assigned users" field in projects, Project Tasks mod RedPiranha Open Bug?
#2896 how to see Additional Assigned User(s) in Reports - HI there ,i have seen the describe here: Note: Quick Create and Reports may not support the Additio zhangfengkai1 Open Bug?
#2837 Unable to add users to Meeting - Having setup Security Groups and Roles I have a question regarding User Admin and Meetings. I setup Solus Closed General Question
#2821 How see what version is installed on our server? - I see the release notes are posted by version, but I cannot see what version we now have installed o Ward Closed General Question
#2741 How hide Select button in subpanels? - Today it seems impossible (without adding custom code to every module) for us to hide the 'Select' b Ward Open Feature
#2719 How to not cover modify-code - Hi ,i have develop some code from the original ,but after i install the plug-in ,the code will be co zhangfengkai1 Closed Feature
#2712 How hide subpanels from view based on Group? - I love how Teams edition helps us create a unique view on records based on the Group permissions - a Ward Open Feature
#2709 One Module does not work for layouts - Hello, I have been using this add-on for some time on many many modules. We have deployed security peterjakob Closed Bug?
#2708 filed empty in Api 4.1 getEntry - ![Schermata 2020-04-21 alle 18.06.14.png]( lucadanzi Closed Bug?
#2700 Filter Users avoiding whom is on Non Inheritable Groups - Hi, i'm using the ENHANCED package. I already activated the "Filter User List" option. How is Lion Solution Closed Feature
#2692 what is the mode of this plugin ? - Well ,i have several project base on different version and i have a plan to upgrade the plugin one zhangfengkai1 Closed General Question
#2672 I was looking for the multiple user assign search but its not working. So I have changed my mind - I was looking for the multiple user assign search but its not working. So I have changed my mind pimusa Closed General Question
#2632 I need a user can create, but not edit the records. - Hi, I have a role in which users should be able to create records, but not be able to edit them. Wh Etairos Business Solutions Closed Feature
#2622 Reporting of Additional Assigned User - Hi, I asked in the topic #2575 for the dashlet feature and my colleges have some other ideas to mak sgi Open Feature
#2618 Records don't inherit the group of the user set up as "Additional Assigned Users" - Hello Is it normal that records don't inherit the group of the user set up as "Additional Assigne Groupe Cahors Open General Question
#2617 Can not add additional assigned user when creating an opportunity from the "accounts' module - Hello we can't add an additional assigned user when creating an opportunity from the "accounts' modu Groupe Cahors In Progress Bug?
#2608 Dashlet Assigned to filter shows all users - Hi, I have set “Filter User List” setting on in Security Suite Management configuration scree obekatli Closed General Question
#2624 Additional Users on Dashlet fitlers - Hi, does this also work in the Dashlet search? BR sgi Closed General Question
#2575 Additional Assigned User(s) not available in the filter - Hi, Users request to use "Additional Assigned User(s)"as a filter when they want to filter listvi Groupe Cahors Closed Bug?
#2520 CRM is very slow after installation of security suite - Hi Team , We are facing few issues after security suite installation 1. SecuritySuiteOutfitter pjyoti562 In Progress Bug?
#2503 missing user role type column in role management - Hello all I am stuck while providing access rights to user. ![Untitled.jpg](https://store.suitecr pjyoti562 In Progress Bug?
#2482 License service issue - My log file is full of license issues and my system is running very slow. Is there a problem with th peterjakob Open Bug?
#2480 Getting "SecuritySuite is no longer active Please renew your subscription or check your license configuration." - Hello, We are currently getting a message saying "SecuritySuite is no longer active. Please renew y Lily Collin Closed Bug?
#2478 how to remove it? - I canceled my trial subscription and tried to remove the module from the system now everything is b gulin In Progress General Question
#2472 no column - User Role Types - Hi I do not have column "User Role Types" in the role settings Plan: Enterprise ![Annotati gulin Closed Bug?
#2353 IP Restriction - How can I block my employee to access SuiteCRM from other IP address? we want them to access only fr anuj1 Closed General Question
#2351 Issues with assigning roles to security groups - Currently, the way the system was set up was for each salesperson to also have a corresponding secur Amy In Progress General Question
#2289 Subpanel Restrictions - Hello, We are using the product on SuiteCRM Version 7.11.1 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344) and w lapester In Progress Bug?
#2241 Inherit from Parent on existing records - We have a security group for each sales person and their Accounts are assigned to their correspondin Amy In Progress General Question
#2231 Slow Query due to SecuritySuite - Users are experience very slow queries and filters. The slow performance occurs with all users othe Grace Christian University Closed General Question
#2218 Custom Layouts Always Saving As Default - Hello, We have recently upgraded to SuiteCRM 7.11.7 and Upgraded our Security Suite to 3.1.17. When Lily Collin Closed Bug?
#2200 Security Suite Installation - I am following the Intallation Video. During Module Loader it hangs at 17% See attached screen sho KnightFlyer Closed Bug?
#2118 Trial has expired and I cannot i access my crm! - I have this issue when the trial of the plugin ended. It does not allow me to access my crm! ``` crm2 In Progress Bug?
#2048 Module licence config bug - We found a bug that majorly affects our application. The bug is the following ``` PHP Fatal erro crm2 Closed Bug?
#2047 Notes and Target Lists missing Security Groups field to add in Studio for FILTER layouts - Even though the Notes, Target Lists and Email Templates contain the Security Groups subpanels, when cholly Closed Bug?
#2014 Multi-Group user and convert Lead to Account - When I test a multi-Group user with the settings of Use Creator Group Select and Inherit from Parent cholly Closed Bug?
#2009 Rename Security Groups subpanel title - Hello, I would like to rename the Security Groups subpanel title. Where/how do I do this? Thanks, cholly Closed General Question
#1967 Users cannot see module after install 7.11.4 - SuiteCRM 7.11.4 Security 3.1.115 (7.11.4) We have completed this upgrade and this version is t In Progress Bug?
#1921 You have been logged out because your session has expired. - After installation of Security Suite on 3/25, the newly created users are not able to login. Dis rdprasadravi Closed Bug?
#1894 Additional Assigned to in workflow - Additional Assigned to field is a great feature. Issue I am having is, I am trying to create a workl rdprasadravi In Progress Bug?
#1879 Worfklwos for Additional Users field - Hello there, I want to create workflow if a lead is assigned under user "X" to add values in ad it7 In Progress Feature
#1853 Created Role for Non-Admin to be Admin for User Module - Hi the sole purpose I wanted to try this module is to provide a non-admin user (for example ABC) adm rdprasadravi In Progress Bug?
#1850 nonadmin users see the default layout instead of the layout for their security group - nonadmin users see the default layout instead of the layout for their security group. We have tried Grace Christian University Closed Bug?
#1807 Layout Tab/Panel naming Issue - It appears that when editing the layout view for a groups layout it is forcibly taking upon the name Grace Christian University Closed Bug?
#1775 Security groups from related Records - Hi Jason, we have noticed an issue with a clients system which has a lot of relate fields. if we cre FibreCRM In Progress Bug?
#1755 This page isn’t working after complete the instalation - After plugin installation finished then Suite CRM becomes as unavailable. It looks like CRM crash. itadmin In Progress Bug?
#1741 User with no permissions to edit is till able to add records in sub panels - I am trying to set up user accounts for an internal web development project with a bunch of custom m Gha In Progress Bug?
#1706 SuiteCRM 7.11 support - When will you support new SuiteCRM 7.11 version? oc666 Closed General Question
#1683 Installation Package for Suite Version 7.4.3 - Dear eggsurplus Team, We have bought your plugin but the latest/oldest available install file is diligent technology & business consulting GmbH Open Installation
#1671 Sudo login - audit log error - Can you please assist me with investigating this issue for a client Whilst using pseduo login for t In Progress Bug?
#1657 Security Group Layouts edit view detail view syncing from Default - I have created a security group we will call Sales for the sake of this ticket. I created a Sales la Grace Christian University Closed Bug?
#1655 unable to deploy multiple "Assigned to" field in Projects module - We are trying to use FrontEnd Implicit to sync emails to custom modules --- we were given a solution mta In Progress Bug?
#1654 Listview Mass Action "Delete" still visible after disabling in user role - When I set "Delete" to none within a role I created, it does not disappear from the listview mass ac kinetix In Progress Bug?
#1640 Is it possible to use it on a "drop-down" - Is it possible to define which option will be display in a drop-down list based on security group? ydl In Progress Feature
#1632 Create Security Groups and Roles - Hi, We are using SecuritySuite-Enhaced in our system and we have a requirement that I do not kno jva_alteridea In Progress General Question
#1571 Cannot set status to an user with granted admin rights - SecuritySuite Version: Plan: Professional SuiteCRM Vers BoXBo In Progress Bug?
#1567 SecuritySuite Installation Issue - SecuritySuite installed in Module Loader, but cannot find in Administration screen and also broke co Grace Christian University In Progress Installation
#1535 Security Overwritten? - We spent quite a bit of time setting up security groups and roles for our 200+ org. We bought Se rickdolishny In Progress Installation
#1532 Login As - I really only wanted the ability to 'login as' an employee/user. How do I access this feature? rickdolishny Closed General Question
#1513 stuck on installation - I can't get past 17% installing on my development site. ![Screenshot_3.jpg](https://store.suitec rickdolishny Closed Installation
#1465 Inherit - Custom Modules From Accounts - Hi, I have a custom module relate to account with relations one-to-many ( accounts -> custom_module sbonaldo In Progress Bug?
#1439 SG doesn't work fine for us - We can't get users to edit other users when they have permission to edit their group in the user mod info50 In Progress Bug?
#1428 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in include/generic/SugarWidgets/SugarWidgetSubPanelTopArchiveEmailButton.php on line 92 - There is a missing comment close tag in the file ~include/generic/SugarWidgets/SugarWidgetSubPanelTo BoXBo Closed Bug?
#1424 Retrieve Group from Custom Module to Other Custom Module - Hi, I've two custom modules and they are related One-to-many (A->B) relationship. When I relate a sbonaldo In Progress General Question
#1409 Incompatibility with Suite CRM version 7.9.4 - The plugin is incompatible with Suite CRM version 7.9.4. We wanted to use this plugin for our busine riyazg In Progress Bug?
#1405 Not able to validate the new key - Hi Team, We already had a SecuritySuite Plugin installed on our suiteCRM for which the trial t AS Dev In Progress Bug?
#1364 Manager Layouts - Hello, I have multiple security groups for each sales team, all with specific layouts for sstewart In Progress Bug?
#1322 User with full access to SG can't filter by SG - Users with full access in roles to SG module can't filter by SG. Only the admin see all the security info50 In Progress Bug?
#1309 SecurityGroup has a deprecated constructor - Good morning, We are receiving the following error in the SuiteCRM.log file multiple times sstewart In Progress Bug?
#1244 Normal users with full access to users module can't list users - We have a role "admin" for Normal users (assigned directly) with full access to users module (admin info50 Closed Bug?
#1235 Question reg. "Custom group layouts" feat. - Hi guys. Quick question: we need to allow edition of certain fields in Edit View to specific gro Ricardo Cairello Closed General Question
#1211 History / View Summary shows records of ALL security groups, not only the current security group - Suitecrm ; all versions, including 7.10. All fresh installation (no upgrade) I have accounts that a menno Closed Bug?
#1099 CORS - Any impact on Security Suite - One of the plug-ins we use with our Sugar CE implementation is requesting that we configure CORS - C BobTTS Closed General Question
#1084 allow non admin users to remove security groups they are part of. - Hi is it possible to allow non admin users to remove security groups they are a part of ? FibreCRM In Progress General Question
#1072 Key not working - Dear Team, we have purchased key for Security group and firstly we installed it on Staging Enviro anuragchoube In Progress Installation
#1067 Field Level Security - I have the software installed and working correctly however I have one situation that I am trying to peterjakob Closed General Question
#991 7.10 Support - Hi, do you have a date when you will release the support for 7.10? Thanks Daniel daniel Closed General Question
#993 User admin cannot create new users - I do not understand the last note for "General User Admin": Admins for the Users module will have ac BoXBo Closed Bug?
#962 view all groups in filter. - Hi, we are using groups to mark which account is known by which user. is it possible in the filter FibreCRM Closed General Question
#939 Duplication of AOR reports removes fields and conditions from parent record - After opening an issue an SuiteCRM ( it looks l BoXBo Closed Bug?
#910 Assigning to a Group User at Additional Assigned Users - When I assign a record (ie an Account) at Additional Assigned User and give the value of a Group Use AMD TELECOM SA (EL 998245480) 12km Thessalonikis -Litis Closed Bug?
#880 Layouts not applying to Security Group - We have a Module called Line Items that is only used to display within our Orders Module. I can cre jteeple In Progress Bug?
#865 After installing SecuritySuite, new users cannot add Tabs or Dashlets - After installing SecuritySuite, new users cannot add Tabs or Dashlets. If a newly created user tries jva_alteridea Closed Bug?
#864 SecuritySuite blocks Campaign - Suitecrm 7.8.9 fresh install with blocks the Campaign from c drichardson Closed Bug?
#859 Ordered incorrect version - We ordered the Enhanced version and should have ordered Enterprise version. How can we get this cor jteeple Closed Installation
#832 Uninstallation Breaks Base Security Groups - Searched for answer to this. All responses have been made via email to those with problems. Help p micahyarborough In Progress Bug?
#823 Cannot Load Module. - We are on Suite version 7.9.7 running on Linux with a SQL server back-end. When I try to load the co jteeple In Progress Bug?
#798 Group Exporting - When I export from a group as a regular user I get a messaging saying 'Exports Disabled'. It works blackwater In Progress General Question
#792 Layout Issue - Hello, I am currently using SuiteCRM 7.8.1 and using version Security Groups - Full Edition 2.9.6 peterjakob Closed Bug?
#773 Is it possible to dynamically remove ability to edit sets of records based on a value in the record itself? - **Current Environment:** - SuiteCRM v7.8.2 - Apache 2.4 - PHP 5.6 - MariaDB 10.2 - Ubunt Armin Closed General Question
#741 Inherit security group to all related entries on assign user. - Hello, I have a Security Group A and users assigned to A should only see for instace opportuniti velrest In Progress General Question
#739 How can non-admin users create own role and assign permission for module? - I have create a sales team manager having access of lead module in security group say "east sale" pixxmedia In Progress Feature
#731 Filter search by groups not working in security suit. - I have go though this link, As we have pixxmedia In Progress Bug?
#728 Problem Setting Role permissions - I am using the version of software for SuiteCRM 7.8.1 and am having a problem with assigning permiss peterjakob Closed Bug?
#725 Need security suite for 7.7.9 version - we have opted for trail pacakage and only can see security from 7.8.3 version.Do you provide it for bodhi.sharma Closed Bug?
#721 User data management in using security suite plugin Role and group wise - HI we have created two group as ABC and XYZ and create two role as salesmen and sale-admin . Here pixxmedia In Progress General Question
#660 Versions - Hello I am currently using ver 2.9.6 Full Edition. Is the most recent version posted the correc peterjakob Closed Installation
#658 Key validation is not working - Hi I've purchased the "SecuritySuite - Enhanced SuiteCRM Teams" from SuiteCRM store. I've tried t BoXBo Closed Bug?
#618 Users module permissions - Hi! I can't set permissions to Users module when editing a specific role. Is it a bug? All permissio gustavonesa Closed Bug?
#616 Custom view based on a specific field value - Hi, I want to know if it is possible to show/hide certain records to specific users depending on a f gustavonesa Closed Feature
#609 custom groups layouts not working correctly - Hi, we have SecuritySuite installed in our SuiteCRM system and are having problems using custom g admin6 Closed Bug?
#538 Create but not Edit - Hi, I am currently running Version 7.8.3 of Suite CRM and the lastest 3.1.0 version of SS. I daniel Closed Bug?
#516 Error ejecucuion de workflows - Cuando se ejecutan la tarea automática de worflows arroja los siguientes menajes de error PHP W TIC Closed Bug?
#460 Install Error - I just installed SecuritySuite 7.9.1 and it will not allow me to log into my site. Error http 500. drichardson Closed Bug?
#372 URGENT-Security Suite Not working properly in 7.8.3 - When we upgraded to 7.8.3 from 7.4, the search functionality changed from text field to a filter but stephentew Closed Bug?
#358 URGENT - cannot access some ADMIN functions - I have just installed SecurtySuite and validated my lic. I have been cutting over a PROD system and peterjakob Closed Installation
#332 Can´t install module - Hi, i've bought this extension and when i install it, I get the progress bar to 100% but it doesn't mvpeluffo Closed Installation
#330 How to find source of Red (None/No Rights) for Admin User? - ![steve schultz security grid.PNG]( sschultz Closed General Question
#329 How best to make an Account and/or Contact visible to only Assigned To? (creator maybe?) - Hi, I would like to keep personal information about some of my contacts private. Meaning an accou sschultz In Progress General Question
#328 Inbound email group not working - I can not get the Inbound Mail to be properly seen only by the group it is assigned to. I have turne damianatorrpm Closed Bug?
#325 suitecrm - how to login as other user? - is login as different user (for testing) available in SuiteCRM? If so, how? sschultz Closed Feature
#290 Security Groups are not working for new users since upgrade to your latest release - Security Groups are not working for new users since upgrade to your latest release, SuitCRM is on th daniel Closed Bug?
#269 double sidebar entry - After installation on the left side the actions are duplicated, see screenshoot.![bug.png](https://s damianatorrpm Closed Bug?
#253 SecuritySuite - does not work as expected - when I changed the filed name for Group A (fax to be faxA), but in Group B, the field was changed at lcyang Closed General Question
#196 Enhanced Security Module Communication ports - What are the communication ports used by the Enhanced Security Module? blackwater Closed General Question
#182 Installation Failure Suite CRM Version 7.6.4 Sugar Version 6.5.23 - Hello, When installing the module through the module loader, I get to 17% then the installation f opolanco Closed General Question
#111 In the custom module,the user group can not be modified after a customer is assigned to the user group - In the custom module,the user group can not be modified after a customer is assigned to the user g williamchen Closed Bug?
#103 Will this plug-in support Chinese ? - I would like to know whether this plug-in(SecuritySuite - Enhanced SuiteCRM Teams) support Chine williamchen Closed General Question
#67 How do I add a group to the recording inside editviewdefs - Good afternoon. Question. How do I add a group to the recording inside editviewdefs (documents, ao johnby Closed Feature
#65 That is, the employee can choose any (10-20, more) group in which he is not a member. - We have a lot of teams (10-20, more) Our team has a need for employees to have seen all of the grou johnby Closed Feature
#63 suitectm 7.7.1 - More precisely, he probably stopped working. - I confirm your words. Installed on version 7.7 Initially, everything worked fine. After upgradi johnby Closed Bug?
#58 Uninstallation - After uninstalling the SecuritySuite, the default SecuritySuite of the SuiteCRM doesn't work. While lokilivesevil Closed General Question
#17 Permission Settings - We have the following need: We have two sales groups, each with a sales admin. The sales admin sh wpadmin Closed General Question
#16 License Key - I have installed this plugin on SuiteCRM 7.5.3. After the install finishes I am asked for the licens wpadmin Closed Installation
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