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#1567 - SecuritySuite Installation Issue

In Progress Installation created by Grace Christian University 6 years ago

SecuritySuite installed in Module Loader, but cannot find in Administration screen and also broke core Security Groups module. All entries are blank. Users cannot access the system.

  1. mlove member avatar

    Using SuiteCRM 7.8.16

  2. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Unfortunately it sounds like the installer didn't complete correctly. Usually this is due to file permissions or ownership. This is a script that I recommend for fixing permissions:

    At the very least, it can be used as a guide for what to set everything to. It does depend on your OS.

    If there is a way, you will need to run the following after installing to complete the installation:

    • Admin -> Repair -> Quick Repair & Rebuild (execute any generated SQL)
    • Admin -> Repair -> Rebuild Relationships
    • Admin -> Repair -> Repair Roles

    This will complete setting everything up assuming that file permissions are set correctly for SuiteCRM and that the installer completed.

    Hope this helps! -Jason

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