Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.
#2575 - Additional Assigned User(s) not available in the filter
Users request to use "Additional Assigned User(s)"as a filter when they want to filter listview. but this field is not available for the filter in the Studio > Quote (for exemple) > Layouts > Default > Filter > Advanced Filter whereas we can see it on the listview. is this a bug ? Thank's in advance
5 years ago
The regular assigned user search field will search on both Assigned User and Additional Assigned User(s). Let me know if you have any questions.
Cheers, Jason
5 years ago
Thank's for your answer. We ll try tu use "assigned user search field " then
5 years ago
Hi Jason,
I ve just made a test in the quote module, but it didn't work. The field "assigned user" didn't filter the "Additional Assigned User(s)". NB : on our quote list view setup, the assigned user appear with the "user" , and the "additional assigned user" with the complete name. If requested, i can make a few screen shots.
5 years ago
What version of SuiteCRM are you currently on? I would like to do some testing locally to see if I can replicate the issue on the Quotes module.
5 years ago
Following up. I was able to recreate the same issue and currently working on a resolution to it. I will follow up here once an update is available for download.
5 years ago
Currently Additional Assigned User(s) works on filters on for the "My Items" type searches. While it wasn't designed to search for specific users, we are adding that ability using the main Assigned Users filter field. Hoping to have something shortly this week for this.
5 years ago
A resolution has been found and successfully tested. A package should be available for download within the day that makes the Assigned User search filter also look at the additional assigned users field.
5 years ago
3.1.19 is now available for download. This makes the normal Assigned User search filter search both the Assigned User and Additional Assigned User(s) fields. You can access it at
Do not uninstall the current version of SecuritySuite. Instead, just upload and install on top of the existing install. Be sure to run the following three steps after any installation:
Let me know how it goes.
Cheers, Jason
5 years ago
Hi Jason,
Thank's a lot for this quick answer and solution. I ve tryed to install the package as you said (without uninstalling the current version of SecuritySuite) on our testing environnement but it didn't work (On the log i ve seen something like : "group table already exist"). Since I have a blank page on administration. Could you help me to solve this problem.
5 years ago
Do you see any errors in your Apache logs around that time? Initially it sounds like a file permission issue caused the install to not be able to copy over files correctly, but the logs may show more on that.
5 years ago
Checking in here. I tried another reinstallation and was not able to run into that issue. White screen issues tend to be file permission related, although it could be PHP related as well. This update was very minor and shouldn't have had any impact on that end.
A permission script that I recommend is
Once done the installation may need to be done again. Alternatively, just copy the following file from the install zip to your instance:
/install_dir/notupgradesafe/include/SearchForm/SearchForm2.php to include/SearchForm
This will apply the change that supports searching on Additional Assigned Users.
5 years ago
Hi Jason,
I had set up the SuiteCRM_7.11.12_SecuritySuite_v3.1.19 instead of the SuiteCRM_7.11.8_SecuritySuite_v3.1.19. That's why i had all these troubles . Everything is in order and the filter is ok now. Thank's again !
5 years ago
That is great to hear! If anything else comes up please do let me know.