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#5017 - Calls module not visible for a particular user

In Progress Bug? created by Power Choice Verified Purchase a year ago

We have a security group created as SDAM_PC. All users in this group can see Calls module where as only one particular user tloh cannot access this module, It says this page is not working. We have tested removing user from this security group and attached role as well as by creating separate new security group and role for her, but no success.

Call module is visible to this user only when we assigned her as System Administrator.

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    You are seeing a page is not working message? This seems like there is a code-level bug. Are you able to view your SuiteCRM logs and PHP error logs? That may point to some sort of error that happens at the time of the page not working message.

    If the message is that the user does not have rights to view the calls module then it may be a role/security group set up issue. One way to debug that part is to view the user record in SuiteCRM and checking the Access tab. See what the Calls row says. Look to see if Access is set to Disabled or if View/Edit/etc are set to None/Owner/etc. If something seems off then check all roles and groups assigned to the user.

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