Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.
#3116 - how to add additional user in sub-pannel quick create?
hi ,i didn't find it in quick create in studio ....
4 years ago
Quick Create is not currently supported for the Additional Users field due to complications with how SuiteCRM works internally. However, it is on the list still and we are looking for ways to make this possible to support.
4 years ago
thx for reply !It is possible in a month it will be released ?
4 years ago
I can't commit to that due to the technical challenges, but we will try.
4 years ago
4 years ago
hi ,any progress?
4 years ago
It's going to take some time on this one. I'll be sure to post here when there is progress.
4 years ago
hi there,any progress ? We need this function urgently! Could you pls have a look?
4 years ago
4 years ago
Thanks for reaching out again. I have time set aside this week to work on this.
4 years ago
Making good progress on getting Additional Assigned Users to work with the Quick Create form. Hoping to have it working by the end of this week.
4 years ago
Update: just got Quick Create support added and tested. This will be packaged up and available for download tomorrow.
4 years ago
Quick Create support has now been added with the latest 3.1.24 release which you can download from your Orders page at I'm going to close this case out for now, but feel free to follow up here if you have any issues. Be sure to run the following after installing:
4 years ago
hi,i can add it on the quick create ,but i can't show it in subpannel list……
4 years ago
Doing some more testing on this one before putting out a new package.
4 years ago
OK it is possible release it in a week ?
4 years ago
Just passed testing. Packaging up and will be available for download by tomorrow.
4 years ago
3.1.25 is now ready to download and install. This adds Additional Assigned Users as an available field in Subpanel views.
4 years ago
thx !