Please take the latest package from store & install it. We have added option to Yarn install and Rebuild SMS Angular Files from Admin Panel in CRM.
This issue is happening as CRM is not able to find Yarn as root user. Can you please let me know as which user 'yarn' is installed?
Please execute the command 'which yarn' as that user and need to add this to the PATH variable.
This can be added to apache configuration or to server environment variable.
To add to apache configuration
Open the file /etc/apache2/envvars
Add similar to the below , please change the location as you get in the which yarn command result.
export PATH="/var/www/html/.nvm/versions/node/v18.20.2/bin
restart apache service
To add in server environment variable
Open the file /etc/environment
Add similar to the below , please change the location as you get in the which yarn command result.
export PATH="/var/www/html/.nvm/versions/node/v18.20.2/bin
execute source /etc/environment
restart apache service
Please check with your server team on this. They will help you out.
If you are not able to perform above steps, please let me know we can have a call to fix the issue.
Please let us know if you are setting up SuiteCRM with proper configuration. We will surely help you to install the package.
Closing the ticket for now.
In this case when a customer is created, they will be added to the Contacts module, and any products they purchase will be linked to their corresponding orders, which will be displayed in a subpanel under the contact's profile.
From purchase history, I am seeing you have purchased the monthly package for Suite7. You need to purchase Suite8 package.
Package Name : Monthly_Suite8
Please find the plans and pricing details :
Once you set up following configuration in the server, please install latest package in the CRM from the store. Earlier package was not compatible with 8.6.* I have updated it now.
In server where you have installed SuiteCRM 8 , you need to have all the three set up. It will not come automatically. Please have below configuration set up in your server