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#2472 - no column - User Role Types

Closed Bug? created by gulin 5 years ago

Hi I do not have column "User Role Types" in the role settings

Plan: Enterprise

Annotation 2020-01-09 215001.jpg

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago


    It looks like your SecuritySuite Enterprise license has not validated yet. Could you first go to the Admin page and under the SecuritySuite section click on License Configuration. Then paste in the key from order 9108 from your purchases at Finish by validating that key.

    Once validated run the following 3 processes and then you should be all set:

    • Admin -> Repair -> Quick Repair & Rebuild (execute any SQL generated on the page)
    • Admin -> Repair -> Rebuild Relationships
    • Admin -> Repair -> Repair Roles

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    • gulin member avatar


      5 years ago

      Oh yeah, it helps me!


    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      Great! Happy to help. Closing this case out for now. Feel free to open a new one if anything else comes up.

      Cheers, -Jason

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