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#3505 - Missing Create button when Edit role is set to none

Closed Bug? created by Davint 4 years ago


I've created a custom module and I've set the permissions for my logged in users in the following way:

Create - all Edit - none

With this settings, my users were supposed to create new documents and even see the created documents, but not to edit them. However, when I set this permissions like this, the CREATE button in the top menu just disappeared, making it impossible for my users to create a new document. They still can see any other documents they had created before, but not to create anything new.

What can I do? Thanks,

  1. Davint member avatar


    4 years ago

    Oh, by the way, I am using Version 7.11.18, Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

  2. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Can you go to Admin->Repair and run the Repair Roles function? This should add a Create column to your roles grids which will let you be more granular with your configuration.

  3. Davint member avatar


    4 years ago


    I already have the create column on my roles. As I said before, I have it set the permissions this way:

    Create - ALL Edit - None

    However, when I set the permission in this way, my users do not see the 'create' button on my custom module.

  4. Davint member avatar


    4 years ago

    Here are some screenshots showing the roles and the missing Create feature for my moduleprint 1.jpg print 2.jpg

  5. Davint member avatar


    4 years ago

    Thanks for checking out! I asked my IT team to try it and I'll get back to you!

    I actually noticed another issue (I don't know if I have to open another case for this): When I am editing the edit view of a custom module (a new group layout) it does not save my changes. Instead, it saves my changes to the Default edit view while the group layout view remains unchanged. What should I do?

    Thanks for your support!

  6. Davint member avatar


    4 years ago

    Hi! The issue of creating/editing files depending on the role was fixed! Thanks!

    However, I am still having the problem with editing the custom views. Any edits that I try to do don't save in the custom roles views, but in the default view.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      4 years ago

      Thanks for confirming!

      To fix the editing of custom views, pass this page along to your IT team to adjust the file permissions so that it saves correctly:

      This page will note how to adjust permissions so that Studio can save your changes.

    • Davint member avatar


      4 years ago

      Which file do they have to edit with this settings? sudo chown -R www-data:www-data . sudo chmod -R 755 . sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload sudo chmod 775 config_override.php 2>/dev/null

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      4 years ago

      Those commands would be ran in the root SuiteCRM directory on the server. The www-data:www-data though would need to be changed based on the user and group that Apache runs under on your server. The rest is fine as you have listed.

  7. Davint member avatar


    4 years ago

    Hi! Sorry for taking this long. My IT team did as you said, but it didn't work. The issue is still happening and when I click save in a group layout it actually saves to the default layout. What could I do?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      4 years ago

      I believe I have heard of this once before. When using Studio, try using only the icons in the Studio tree to navigate and see if the save then works.

  8. Davint member avatar


    4 years ago

    Still does not work.

    I am on | Studio > Student Applications > Layouts > Agency 4 > Edit View and I do all changes I want. Once I click save, it automatically changes to | Studio > Student Applications > Layouts > Default > Edit View and saves my changes to default instead of Agency 4.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      4 years ago

      Can you go to Agency 4 > Edit View again and take a screenshot of the full screen, please? Feel free to add here or email If you can create a temp admin account I would be happy to take a look as well.

    • Davint member avatar


      4 years ago

      I will email you! Thanks!

  9. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago

    Following up here for anyone else who runs into this issue. There was a theme copied to the /custom directory which means that a critical file wasn't updated in the theme that controls how edit/detail view layouts are saved in Studio. This was addressed by merging in that customization into their custom theme.

  10. Davint member avatar


    3 years ago

    Superb customer service from eggsurplus! Thanks a lot for your professionalism and assistance! :)

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