Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.
#2632 - I need a user can create, but not edit the records.
Hi, I have a role in which users should be able to create records, but not be able to edit them. When configuring the role, I see that removing the edition also removes the creation. Can you help me?
5 years ago
Do you see a separate Create column in your role setup grid? If not, go to Admin -> Repair and run Repair Roles. This column should then appear so that you can set Create rights for a role while disabling Edit at the same time.
5 years ago
Yes I can see a separate create and edit columns un the role setup. But if I setup the module like Create in "All" and Edit in "None" the user can't edit (as expected) but he can't create either
5 years ago
A few questions:
What module are you trying this on?
What version of SuiteCRM are you using?
What theme are you using?
5 years ago
What module are you trying this on? In a custom module
What version of SuiteCRM are you using? 7.10.20 LTS
What theme are you using? Suite P (Day style)
5 years ago
Thanks. Was the custom module built only using Module Builder or has it been customized outside of Module Builder? Does the custom module use a custom view.edit.php view? Or does it use the old EditView.php/tpl pair of files?
If you would rather zip up the custom module directory (both in /modules and /custom/modules) and send that over I would be happy to take a look. Just email solutions AT eggsurplus DOT com
5 years ago
The module was made only using module builder. I will send the information to your email. Thanks.
4 years ago
Thanks for your patience here. I just sent an email that includes the tweak you will need to your custom module's Menu.php.
Cheers, Jason
3 years ago
Hi! I am facing exactly the same problem! I create a module on module builder + studio and when I set it to edid NONE, it does not allows users to create new records (the CREATE button disappears from the menu on top).
3 years ago
Here's how to add Create support for a custom module for the module actions. Edit /modules/YOUR_MODULE/Menu.php. Look for the line that contains the edit checkAccess:
Change edit to create:
If this does the trick for you, please let me know and I'll update your other support case related to this.
3 years ago
Davint confirmed that this addressed their issue. Closing this case out as it also resolved the original posters issue.