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#3218 - Mass Assign Leads to Security Group SuiteCRM 7.11.18

Closed Bug? created by nelem 4 years ago

When mass assigning all Lead records in a ListView, the query fails because the join table has the wrong alias in the where clause. The query produced refers to the join table as relJoin1 but the $_SESSION['export_where'] uses jt0 in MassAssign.php line 44.

Happy to provide more details.

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    Thanks for reporting this. Upon initial testing on 7.11.18, I cannot replicate this. I have a few questions that will help to recreate what you are running intoo.

    1. Are you attempting to Mass Assign a group or to a user?
    2. Are you doing a Select All or a Select Page/specific selections?
    3. Are there any search filters set and if so, which ones?
    4. Which columns are displayed on your Leads List View?

    Thanks! -Jason

  2. nelem member avatar


    4 years ago

    1. Mass assign to a group
    2. It's Select All (1500 records)
    3. Search filter is for a custom relate link to Accounts. This is the join alias that is failing.
    4. The Relate field (as above), Name, Status, a custom dropdown and miscellaneous others.
  3. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago

    For anyone else who is running into this, we were able to replicate this issue when doing a Mass Assign while using a search filter with a custom relate field. The issue has been fixed in the 3.1.23 release of SecuritySuite for all versions of SuiteCRM.

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