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#5204 - can't verify lizence - suitecrm 7.14.2 and securitysuite 3.2 (enterprise)

Closed Bug? created by support20 Verified Purchase a year ago


Some Backgrounds: At the moment I wanted to rebuild our Suitecrm on a fresh and up-to-date System. Therefore I used Debian 12, php 8.2, MariaDB 10.11 and everything else as recomanded. I installed Suitecrm 7.14.2. I donwloaded the last Pluginversion it is named:
It is the enterprise Version, if that makes any difference.

Problem: My problem is that I can't verify the license. Beside that the page has a problem with the encoding (german language and special chars as äöü). It always throws this error:

"Error: SugarOutfitters_API::call(): Unable to validate the license key. Please configure the firewall to allow requests to and make sure that SSL certs are up to date on the server."

Firewall is open. Certificates are fine. PHP Curl is installed, config is writable... I searched google for a while and am helpless... Maybe the clue lies in the suitecrm-error.log. While I try to verify the license it thows this warning:

HP Warning: include(): Failed opening 'metadata/securitygroups_usersMetaData.php' for inclusion (include_path='/var/www/html/SuiteCRM/include/..:.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/SuiteCRM/modules/TableDictionary.php on line 131(bearbeitet)

But I have no idea why the files should miss... i deinstalled and resinatlled it ... same problem. Any Ideas?

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    The warning error can be ignored for this.

    Does the license still work on the existing production site (it appears so)? If so, something is environment-wise is preventing the connection from being made or from the post-validation process to complete.

    Config file won't matter anymore as license-related stuff is now stored in the SuiteCRM config table.

    Can you try pinging from the new server?

  2. support20 member avatar

    support20 Verified Purchase

    a year ago

    Thank you, for your response. I was so focused on the warning that I did not check the basics. After all it was the, that did not work.

    I will ignore the warning. Thanks.

  3. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    a year ago

    We've all done the same thing before...many times!

    Glad you got it figured out.

  4. jasminkreutz member avatar


    a year ago

    A further Question. is there a way to stop the include warning? I seem to get them one or twice every second... and my logs are running full. It is difficult to find and handle real problems if this warning is everywhere... ^^

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      a year ago

      Copy custom/metadata/securitygroups_usersMetaData.php to metadata/ and it'll go away. Not sure why it wants it there. I believe it's a stock SuiteCRM thing.

  5. jasminkreutz member avatar


    a year ago

    I guess same with all other files that throw this message?

    For me it is not only securitygroups_usersMetaData.php. I also have the problem with - securitygroups_recordsMetaData.php - securitygroups_defaultMetaData.php - acl_rolesMetaData.php

    but after i copied all of them the messages seemed to be gone. I hope that everything still works . ^^ thanks again for the help

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      a year ago

      That's correct. Should be just fine.

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