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#67 - How do I add a group to the recording inside editviewdefs

Closed Feature created by johnby 8 years ago

Good afternoon. Question. How do I add a group to the recording inside editviewdefs (documents, aos_quotes, contackts or other record) ??? I added a Relatefield (SecurityGroups) to the choice of the group. I got the name of the group and id. Now I need to add or change the group from recording through editviewdefs! Use need logic_hooks.

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    8 years ago

    Hi John,

    I just responded to your document comment as well. If you use the Use Creator Group Select option your users will be able to select which groups to assign to a new record if they are a member of 2 or more groups.

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