Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.
#4734 - 500 crash. Non-static method Relationship::get_other_module() cannot be called statically
modules/SecurityGroups/SecurityGroup.php contains a mistake at 351 where the Relationship get_other_module method is being called statically. This method is non-static and is causing the CRM to crash.
a fix is to either make the method a static method and update it everywhere it is used. or to update SecurityGroup.php to create an instance of a relationship and call get_other_module non-statically
2 years ago
replacing $rel_module = Relationship::get_other_module($_REQUEST['relate_to'], $focus_module_dir, $focus->db); with $rel_module = (new Relationship())->get_other_module($_REQUEST['relate_to'], $focus_module_dir, $focus->db); solves the problem
2 years ago
Yes, thank you for reporting this. I recommend disabling these notices in your php.ini for now. For example:
2 years ago
Hi Thankyou eggsurplus for your reply changing error_reporting configuration wouldn't prevent a PHP application from crashing due to a fatal error. Your suggestion would only hide PHP error messages.
2 years ago
That's not true.
2 years ago
To clarify, typically installs have display_errors set on which will cause apps to crash if there are any notices, warnings, etc based on the error_reporting config.