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#1755 - This page isn’t working after complete the instalation

In Progress Bug? created by itadmin 6 years ago

After plugin installation finished then Suite CRM becomes as unavailable. It looks like CRM crash.

Error message:

This page isn`t working. HTTP Error 500

Suite CRM version :

Version 7.10.7

I do not know what is the issue, from Server Logs i can`t found yet more details, maybe there is a conflict with other modules or is a problem with our Suite CRM Version or something else?

Please advise.

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Sorry that you are running into this! Unfortunately SuiteCRM can be extremely touchy if file permissions and ownership is not set correctly on the server. This will cause files not to copy over correctly leading to 500 type errors.

    The errors should show in your Apache/PHP error logs. Addressing those and fixing permissions should allow you to attempt a reinstall. Here is a script that I recommend for getting permissions/ownership just right:

    I hope this helps! Jason

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