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#2520 - CRM is very slow after installation of security suite

In Progress Bug? created by pjyoti562 5 years ago

Hi Team ,

We are facing few issues after security suite installation

  1. SecuritySuiteOutfittersLicense::get_current_plan: no public key was provided in the last response

we have validated the license from Admin section quite a few times, after validating it works fine but again after sometime issue persists. As its happening multiple times team is unable to validate license everytime

  1. CRM got down slow , many slow queries logging at crm log

  2. We have tried to optimise the security suite by below , but no use CRM is very slow

  3. How do we uninstall this addon ,We do not have any uinstallation guide for this ..Will directly uninstalling the addon from module loader lead any issue? Do we need to follow any steps for this

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago


    With the first license issue, what happens is that when you validate the key it saves the key in your config_override.php file. If this file gets overwritten, such as by a code deployment if you are managing production that way, then the key would no longer exist and a validation will need to be done.

    If you are continuing to experience slowness then it will come down to database performance. It could be a combination of needing to index appropriately for your specific usage, optimizing MySQL itself, and a more powerful server.

    For uninstalling, use Module Loader to uninstall. However, have a clean instance of your version of SuiteCRM on hand. SuiteCRM's uninstaller can mess up with copying back the original files if there were file permission issues either during original installation or at the time of uninstalling.

    If screens go white after uninstalling simply copy the following directories from your clean SuiteCRM instance into your production instance:

    • /data
    • /include
    • /modules
    • /soap
    • /themes

    The log in and run the following three repair steps:

    • Admin -> Repair -> Quick Repair & Rebuild
    • Admin -> Repair -> Rebuild Relationships
    • Admin -> Repair -> Repair Roles

    I hope this helps!

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