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#4608 - meetings_users and calls_users error

Closed Bug? created by carlosbasto Verified Purchase 2 years ago


I have found what i think it is a bug. After installing SecuritySuite plugin when i create a task, a meeting or a call starting from an account using subpanel activities these activities do not appear in user calendar. The tables meetings_users and calls_users error do not have the relationship updated what causes the issue.

If i create the meeting directy on the meeting module there is any problem with the calendar.

  1. carlosbasto member avatar

    carlosbasto Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    If i uninstall the plugin all is working well again. Please see if you can correct this bug.

  2. carlosbasto member avatar

    carlosbasto Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    I think the problem is on the method save_relationship_changes of SuiteCRM/modules/Meetings/Meeting.php on the soap_server_object test. As we are dealing with this bug is it possible to extend the trail períod that is going to finish next week ?

  3. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Hi Carlos. I just extended the trial to January 31st. I can see how this bug may be possible and will get this cleaned up.

    • carlosbasto member avatar

      carlosbasto Verified Purchase

      2 years ago

      Anye news about this problem ?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      2 years ago

      Got this solved now. Just in case you are interested or anyone else who runs into this, the process in SuiteCRM that saves meetings had an assumptive check to see if it is a new meeting by checking for an empty bean ID without also checking for the new_with_id flag. SecuritySuite has a before save process that sets the ID for new beans in order to inherit groups appropriately. This caused meetings and calls to not save correctly. This fix will be available in the next release which should be available this week.

    • carlosbasto member avatar

      carlosbasto Verified Purchase

      2 years ago

      I confirm that the problem is solved.

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