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#2618 - Records don't inherit the group of the user set up as "Additional Assigned Users"

Open General Question created by Groupe Cahors Verified Purchase 5 years ago


Is it normal that records don't inherit the group of the user set up as "Additional Assigned Users" ? Nb : we have created security groups , and have assigned a security group to each user. In the security suite settings , both box "Inherit from Created By User" and "Inherit from Assigned To User" are thicked. Thank's

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Yes, it is intended not to inherit from the Additional Assigned Users user records, but I could see how that could be helpful. Do you have an example of how this would be helpful in your case?

  2. Cahors member avatar

    Groupe Cahors Verified Purchase

    5 years ago


    For exemple we have two commercial teams that sometimes share the same accounts because there don't care of the same business. When an account is created , it inherits the group from the user that created the record or is assigned to. When a member of a the second team wants to be assigned to this account (because he has some business with him), he asks the user "assigned to" of the first team to add him as an "Additional Assigned Users", but despite this, he still cannot edit and modify the account.

  3. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Thank you. I will take a look at this to see how we might be able to make this work.

  4. Cahors member avatar

    Groupe Cahors Verified Purchase

    5 years ago

    Thank's you in advance for this work.

  5. sgi member avatar

    sgi Verified Purchase

    4 years ago

    Hi, are there any new infos for that request? That would be a great feature for us, too.

    Br, sgi

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