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#2923 - Cannot see Additional assigned users field in projects , Project tasks modules

Open Bug? created by RedPiranha Verified Purchase 4 years ago

Hi Team,

I m not able to see the "Additional assigned users" field in projects, Project Tasks modules, Kindly let me know how to fix this.

Thank you.

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    4 years ago


    Additional Assigned Users will work on any module that is "assignable". These modules are assignable in a sense, but it's a bit technical. I will look at adding an exception for these modules, but unsure what the timeline would be for that.

    The work around right now is to edit /modules/Project/vardefs.php and /modules/ProjectTask/vardefs.php. The very last line of both files has something that looks similar to:

    VardefManager::createVardef('Project', 'Project', array('security_groups',

    Project version

    Add assignable to that last array, save, and run a Quick Repair & Rebuild:

    VardefManager::createVardef('Project', 'Project', array('security_groups','assignable',

    Altered Project version

    This has not been tested, but it should then cause the field to show in Studio so that you can add it to the layout. This is not an upgrade-safe customization. It's a work around for SuiteCRM not using the assignable vardef for those 2 modules like the rest do.

    Hopefully this helps in the meantime!

  2. RedPiranha member avatar

    RedPiranha Verified Purchase

    4 years ago

    This works, Thanks

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