by eggsurplus

Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.

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#880 - Layouts not applying to Security Group

In Progress Bug? created by jteeple 7 years ago

We have a Module called Line Items that is only used to display within our Orders Module. I can create a Layout for Orders and it is effective but the Layout I created for Line Items does not seem to apply when that module is displayed in the Order Module.

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hello. I can see that as a possibility. What version of SuiteCRM are you on? I'll take a look and see if it's possible to add Line Items support for custom group layouts.

  2. jteeple member avatar


    7 years ago

    We are on 7.9.5

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Perfect. Thank you. I'm traveling this week and will look into this when I get back early next week.

  3. jteeple member avatar


    7 years ago

    Have you had a chance to look into this?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Unfortunately not yet. I've been slammed, but it's still on my short list to look at. I will follow up here as soon as I can.

  4. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    I had a chance to check out the Quotes module which also has line items and that seems to work fine. However, that layout is embedded in Quotes. It sounds like your Line Items is possibly a separate layout in Studio. Is that the case? How was the Orders and Line Items modules created? If it is using an old method of .tpl files then that would explain why group layouts wouldn't work.

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