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#1807 - Layout Tab/Panel naming Issue

Closed Bug? created by Grace Christian University 6 years ago

It appears that when editing the layout view for a groups layout it is forcibly taking upon the name from another view (default or another group) I am trying to name Group B's first panel (below primary panel/tab) Colleges, but it is replaced with the words Traditional Info from Group A's Second Tab or from default's Second Tab (unsure which).

CRM Version 7.8.16

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Unfortunately this is a limitation with the framework. The layouts are sharing the same label identifier so if you change it for one it will change it for all. I suggest adding a new panel and moving the fields over to that panel for this view. You can then label it independently as desired.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    • mlove member avatar

      I have tried creating new panels and each panel is being automatically assigned a name after I click save & deploy regardless of if I name the panel before saving. All of the names given correspond to panels/tab names from other layouts.

    • mlove member avatar

      I may also be able to figure out how to manually fix the labels in the code, but I am not sure where to look for the different group layouts in CRM's many folders.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      6 years ago

      I'm going to try to replicate this locally in order to pass along some instructions for how to do this. Could you send over the steps to replicate this, please? Thanks!

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      6 years ago

      It's tricky to do this using Studio, but if you remove and add a new panel it will increment the new panel number and set the internal panel key to lbl_detailview_panel2. You've probably had enough of messing around with Studio to do this so I recommend manually setting the key in the layout and the language mapping.

      To do this for the Accounts Detail View (alter this for your module/layout) edit /custom/modules/Accounts/metadata/detailviewdefs.php (default layout) and change the lbl_detailview_panel[INCREMENT NUMER] panel in question to a unique key. Then do the same for each /custom/modules/Accounts/metadata/{GROUP_ID}/detailviewdefs.php file. The GROUP_ID directories is every custom group layout you have created.

      Now edit /custom/modules/Accounts/languages/en_us.lang.php and add your unique panel keys to the mod_strings array.

      Finally, do a Quick Repair & Rebuild.

      Let me know if you have any questions.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      Let me know if you need anything more on this one. Closing this for now.

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