by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Need to show or hide fields or panels based on the value of another field? For this requirement Dynamic Panels is the perfect solution. The advanced configuration tools allow you to clearly define what should happen whenever a field value changes.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5627 Dynamic Panel Hide and Show - Hi, I'm using php 8.0, suiteCrm Version 7.14.2. I have default fields to show. I added a case to In Progress Bug?
#5523 Admin page blank after upgrade to SuiteCRM 7.14.4 / PHP 8.2 - We have this installed but would like to learn how to remove it from our on-premise installation as sjuvonen In Progress Bug?
#5409 Not working on 8.X versions - Hi, I am trying to install dynamic panels on my installation running Suitecrm 8.4.0. I manage to ins hola In Progress Bug?
#5404 Plugin doesn't select correct layout - My colleague has stated that Dynamic Panels is not providing the correct list of fields for the layo t In Progress Bug?
#5338 Support for SuiteCRM 8.5 and 8.6 - When the addon will support the SuiteCRM version 8.6 or 8.5? ibrahimramzy In Progress Bug?
#5071 "default panel to hide" doen't work - Hi, I have two rules on the same module. In the attachment there are the screenshots for each confi mspazianibrune In Progress Bug?
#5065 Conditional surveys - I’ve to implement a conditional survey: next question depends on the previous one. Two different mspazianibrune In Progress Feature
#5064 Updating to Version 15 without losing current settings - Hello, is it possible to update to version 15 while keeping our existing dynamic settings? We have a hgsadmin In Progress General Question
#5059 try installing Dynamic Panels on SuiteCRM cloud, never getting the insert key view - try installing Dynamic Panels on SuiteCRM cloud, never getting the insert key view mspazianibrune Closed Bug?
#5049 Hiding fields based upon a date condition - Hello, we are looking to hide some fields based upon a value in a date field. We'd like the fields h hgsadmin Closed General Question
#5007 Every action makes too many entryPoint requests - After configuring DynamicPanels there is too many requests going out to entryPoints like **/ iramzy7 Closed Bug?
#4973 Call to undefined method Basic::Basic() - Constructors haven't used the name of the class since PHP5 constructors need to be named __construc t Closed Bug?
#4879 Suite CRM 7.13 Failure to install module, Error table doesn't exist - Query Failed: SELECT * FROM vi_dynamic_panels_fields WHERE deleted=0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'crm71 1reason Closed Installation
#4855 Moving data automation - Hello, I am looking for solution to following problem. We have a dedicated module for storing in marcinrosinski In Progress General Question
#4830 Activacion keys error - migrate to a new server It is not allowing me to activate the ID k Closed Installation
#4787 Trigger changes in display when value changed by jQuery - Hello and thanks for you greater extension. I have select list with condition to show different f Open General Question
#4743 Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in - not overriding the _getModuleTitleParams method solves the problem and allows for the licence view t t Closed Bug?
#4672 Issue on Default Mandatory fields - Dear Team, Default Mandatory fields functionality is not working. I can't able to save the record digitlicensing Closed Bug?
#4492 Will this Work with Your Multiple Fields module? - I am using your multiple fields module. Have you tested this? I want to be sure that this coul dwaynecasey In Progress General Question
#4469 Problem with currencies in AOS module - Hi i have a problem with setting up dynamic view. When i try to make dynamic view where condition i marcinrosinski In Progress Bug?
#4400 Changes in Dynamic panel is not reflecting - Hi Team, I have to preform same dynamic panel operation to one more role I created a role and I digitlicensing In Progress Bug?
#4370 Updating Dynamic Panels - Hi When I update Dynamic Panels to new plugin version my current config is deleted I then need RiaanBez In Progress Bug?
#4355 compatible with SuiteCRM ver 7.12 - Good Day before I update my SUITECRM I would like to know is this plugin compatible with SuiteCRM ve RiaanBez Closed General Question
#4347 Display fields Dynamically is not working as expected - Hi i have added Some conditions for dynamic fields then i removed those conditions and then I did ad digitlicensing In Progress Bug?
#4334 Display fields dynamically based on status value - Hi Team, Pleas Assist how to archive bellow use case in Leads module i have status If status va digitlicensing Closed General Question
#4302 undefied error - I just install this add on, and get the undefined error althouth I do quick repair already Kindly h tuanan Closed Bug?
#4237 Test Case - Hi Variance Team, I am creating this test case to see what the issue is with your signature appe Jessica In Progress General Question
#3975 Accordion sub-panels lose their headings randomly. - Hi, This issue only seems to occur on the one module that uses dynamic panels, but the main sympt Shaun Choo Closed Bug?
#3955 unable to validate License of Dynamic Panels Plugin - Hello, we installed Dynamic Panels as second Plugin in SuiteCRM (Version 7.10.31 Sugar Version 6. stefanp Closed Bug?
#3951 3 Bugs - 1. EditView Page were loaded and after 1 second all panels are hidden. But in in this configuration ramboss Closed Bug?
#3926 Keep getting Key could not be found locally message on my production machine - I periodically see this message on my production server when I use the Admin panel...**VIDynamicPane RadyneCRM Closed Bug?
#3595 hidden panels won't appear - Hi there I've been struggling to configure our setup. ![Capture.PNG]( Humphrey_Zee Closed Bug?
#3592 Dynamic panel - Hello, I am with version 6 of Dynamic Panels, I tried to install version 13, but I didn (t succeed Genius Closed Installation
#3438 Can't create 2 Conditions on 2 different fields per module - Hello First of all thanks for this module you are doing a grate job! Im heaving this issue that ilirix2 Closed Bug?
#3416 Condition AND not Working - Hello. We have been setting a rule for some action to be done on some condition. We use the AND co vpc Closed Bug?
#3280 Basic set up not working after install - Hey, We have installed the dynamics panels 7.11 version (matches our SuiteCRM version) and follow Shaun Choo Closed Installation
#3201 It's not respecting the roles conditioning - It works fine for one role but when I enter new rules for other roles it destroy the rules for the p hector.chim Closed Bug?
#2958 Plugin loses settings - Hi After setting conditions and hiding fields it works a few times and then panels do not hide a RiaanBez Closed Bug?
#2936 Plugin not working - See below screenshots of my setup: ![2020-07-10 12_13_34-SuiteCRM.png]( Televic Digital Closed Bug?
#2886 Hide Panel not working - Hello I have created some workflows, Specifically 2 for the Module Opportunities. - The first one grantjoyce Closed Bug?
#2782 panel hide not working properly - hi, we have created rule to show another panels in a particular tab, it has been observed that pa CA. B.C.Chechani Closed Bug?
#2743 Fields restricted from edit can be edited in line edit - First off everything is working great with this add-on and we almost have every module taking advant ghansen Closed Bug?
#2701 Changing License Key - Hello, I had a duplicate order of dynamic panels and may have used the license key for the now-canc nicw Closed Installation
#2635 Project Gantt View & Detail View - With the update of 8.0 noticed that if you have a drop down with different selections showing differ ghansen Closed Bug?
#2634 pop up appears on every page - When you go into a module record, in this example, an account record, a pop up appears which you hav ghansen Closed Bug?
#2631 Projects Module - Gantt & Detail View - In the projects module I have panels set up to default hid unless a checkbox is selected. The panels ghansen Closed Bug?
#2629 Access to Project Tasks - Can this feature of this plugin be added to use with Project Tasks? We have set project tasks for ghansen Closed Feature
#2560 Dynamic panel - Hello, I just updated dynamic panels in 6.0 V7 but the fixing issue of Panel Hiding when switching Genius Closed Bug?
#2446 Hiding and showing field not working - Hi there. We are facing some issues. DYnamic pannel version 4.4 Suitecrm version 7.9 sometimes vpc Closed Bug?
#2332 Basic Condition Not Working - I have taken a new trial of dynamic panels as I’m ready to purchase this now. I’ve installed mattforrest Closed Bug?
#2309 Running dependances even on fields that are not in the dependances list - We are using suiteCrm version 7.9 and the dynamic panel version 4.0 We noticed that some fields th vpc Closed Bug?
#2270 Dynamic Panels Not Visible in the admin configuration - Hi! I have updated the Dynamic panel to version 0.4. In my local environment its works well bu vpc Closed Bug?
#2197 Call Module Not Appearing in the list of module - Hi, While selecting module in "Select primary module", Call module is not appearing in the list. Violeine Closed Bug?
#2176 Hiding some custom fields - Hi! We are using suiteCrm version 7.9 and the dynamic panel version upgraded from 2.2 to 4.0 we vpc Closed Bug?
#2174 Module Not Appearing in the list of module - In the select list of modules when creating a dependance some modules are not listed. how to make so vpc Closed Bug?
#2142 Back End Errors - Hello, Below are errors we are getting on our production version: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Err jkoop Closed Bug?
#2063 Administration menu is blank and errors in log - Just installed and admin screen is blank after clicking Create. PHP error log contains the error be RadyneCRM Closed Bug?
#1969 After installation - there is no menu item in the adminstration - Hello We've just installed the extension, but after installation and repair there is no menu item oc666 Closed Bug?
#1957 Dynamic Panels not saving - I have installed the Dynamic Panels plugin, but it doesn't seem to be working properly. First of Televic Digital Closed Bug?
#1935 7.8.28 bug? - We have been doing version testing. We are on a dev box with version 7.8.28. The plugin seems to be jkoop Closed Bug?
#1844 Help please - Hello, I just bought this product that seems well installed. I think I have set well but I get no r Genius Closed Bug?
#1837 Upgrading - Hello, I will need to upgrade our version due to suitecrm version change. I looked over the docs b jkoop Closed General Question
#1761 which version? - I'm using version 7.8.5. I purchased the plug-in last week. I downloaded 1.1-v7.10. I see on the jkoop Closed Bug?
#1760 Dynamic Panels not working? - Dear, I have set up the Dynamic Panel functionality after successful installation, but it doesn't Televic Digital Closed Bug?
#1689 Plugin does not work for version 7.10.11 - Plugin doesn't work. One issue I can see that the condition value is not stored in the database. jaap Closed Bug?
#1681 Upgrade - Hi, I am using an older version, can you please let me know how should I peform the upgrade? Do I ne martin1 Closed Installation
#1643 Panel / field Hide Show is not working - Panel and field hide show based on the criteria set is not working. rdprasadravi Closed Bug?
#1556 Plugin isn't working - Hello! I'm trying to hide some panels in the Create/Edit view, but I'm not getting it. Config: ! Fundación Exportar Closed Bug?
#1495 "One of" Condition - It would be great if can add the feature of "One of" condition in the Apply Conditon as an option, t martin1 Closed Feature
#1489 editview - Hi, the plugin is great to hide the panels/fields when we first create the record but all panels/fie martin1 Closed General Question
#1467 Technical Support - 1. How do I do if I want to hide the panel/field according to regular user/role? Currently, this plu martin1 Closed General Question
#1463 Primary Module - 1. Is thiss plugn can only use for one module? 2. How would I do if i have multiple listing in a d martin1 Closed Feature
#1420 Version 7.10.6 - No display on plugin - Install went through 100% fine but could see there were no button labels that had come in Also in t Closed Bug?
#1392 Not working properly - I've installed, created the parameters of "Buyer Lead" vs. "Seller Lead", and when I select "Buyer L rick Closed Bug?
#1366 Need a version for 7.7.9 - I did not see that this had to run on 7.9 and above. We are still using 7.7.9. I guess that I need a RadyneCRM Closed General Question
  • "Very happy with this extension, it does perfectly what it advertises, and in two different occasions I had trouble and had to contact with the support..." - hola

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