by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

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#5065 - Conditional surveys

In Progress Feature created by mspazianibrune a year ago

I’ve to implement a conditional survey: next question depends on the previous one. Two different questions may have a different type of answer, for example a question may have a yes/no answer, another question a dropdown with several items. I’m working to the following solution: a custom module with one record per survey, each field of the record correspond to an answer. I’m trying to use your Dynamic Panels to implement the conditionality, but there are some problems. For example, if I’m at the question number 3 and I change the response to the question number 1, the question number 2 disappear but the response to the question number 2 doesn’t change its value, so the response to the question number 3 doesn’t disappear. Is there any other solution? Thank you

  1. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    a year ago


    Could you please elaborate your question further with Screenshot/video.

    Variance Infotech PVT. LTD

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