by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Need to show or hide fields or panels based on the value of another field? For this requirement Dynamic Panels is the perfect solution. The advanced configuration tools allow you to clearly define what should happen whenever a field value changes.

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#1463 - Primary Module

Closed Feature created by martin1 Verified Purchase 6 years ago
  1. Is thiss plugn can only use for one module?
  2. How would I do if i have multiple listing in a dropdown and each listing selected will show different fields in a panel?


  1. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    6 years ago


    1. Is this plugn can only use for one module?

    - Our Plugin is supported to all default module of SuiteCRM and Custom Module as well.

    1. How would I do if i have multiple listing in a dropdown and each listing selected will show different fields in a panel?

    - You can configure which fields should show when you will selected particular listing in a dropdown from Administration Page. Steps : Admin -> Dynamic Panels -> Add new

    With Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  2. martin1 member avatar

    martin1 Verified Purchase

    6 years ago

    1. What I meant was is this plugin can only used on any module for one time only?
    2. It doesn't allow because I cannot configure the same module for more than 1 time even though it would be for other fields.
  3. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    6 years ago


    Got it. Yes plugin is working on only one time for any module.

    Suppose we will allow multiple time for any module then there is confusion which configuration needs to be consider for hide panels/fields.

    With Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD.

    • martin1 member avatar

      martin1 Verified Purchase

      6 years ago

      Hi, so in my case, since one condition has been used to hide the panel/fields, I can't configure other condition to hide or show others, is that correct?

  4. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    6 years ago


    Yes. You are right. If you have added two conditions for single record then it must be satisfy both conditions. There is an "AND" operator between all conditions.

    With Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD.

    • martin1 member avatar

      martin1 Verified Purchase

      6 years ago

      So that this plugin can only work on one single condition or combination of condition of AND, it will not work under a separate condition since only work once for one module.

  5. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    6 years ago


    We are upgrading with following changes to our extensions

    For example in Lead-module if user set following Condition.

    1. When LeadStatus -> "Hot" Then, Hide -> Firstname Hide -> Lastname Hide -> Email Hide -> Phone

    2. When LedSource -> "WebSite" Then, Show -> Firstname Hide -> Lastname Hide -> Email

    Now if in any record if i set LeadStatus -> "Hot" Than Display field visibility as mentioned #1 Now if in any record if i set LeadStatus -> "WebSite" Than Display field visibility as mentioned #2 It means Last change of the field will overwrite previous change of any field.

    • martin1 member avatar

      martin1 Verified Purchase

      6 years ago

      That's great to know, how many conditions can we configure in the LeadStatus in your example to trigger different fields/panel?

  6. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    6 years ago


    There is no limit to add condition for lead staus.

  7. martin1 member avatar

    martin1 Verified Purchase

    6 years ago

    That's truly a great news, where can I download the latest version?

  8. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    6 years ago


    We will update latest version by Wednesday.

    FYI, - By latest release you can able to add multiple configuration for single module.

    I am adding a scenarios for multiple configuration for single module, 1) When Lead Status -> "Hot" Then, Hide -> Firstname Hide -> Lastname Hide -> Email Hide -> Phone

    2) When Lead Status -> "WebSite" Then, Show -> Firstname Hide -> Lastname Hide -> Email

    Now if in any record if i set LeadStatus -> "Hot" Than Display field visibility as mentioned #1 Now if in any record if i set LeadStatus -> "WebSite" Than Display field visibility as mentioned #2 It means Last change of the field will overwrite previous change of any field.

  9. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Martin,

    We've update new release for allow multiple records for single module. You can download latest zip from here which is compatible with your SuiteCRM Version and upload on your instance.

    Make Sure first uninstall old release and after that repair/rebuild your SuiteCRM.

    • martin1 member avatar

      martin1 Verified Purchase

      6 years ago

      Hi, I have installed and repair/rebuid, i can add the multiple records now, may I know if I already hide the panel in the first record, do I need to hide it again when i creating the 2nd record for the 1st rocord to work? I have tried both ways but the fiels/panel that supposed to show is/are not showing.

  10. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Martin,

    For example, 1st record : Module = Leads, Panels Hide = Overview, Condition = Lead Source Equal To "Website" 2nd record : Module = Leads, Panels Show = Overview, Condition = Lead Source Equal To "Cold Call"

    So once you will add record it will check first login user's type and their role, if both will match with configuration then only dynamic panels trigger effect.

    Let's assume User's type and role match with configuration then it will first check Lead Source Equal To "Website" then Hide "Overview" Panel. After that if you select Lead Source Equal To "Cold Call" then it will Show "Overview" Panel.

    • martin1 member avatar

      martin1 Verified Purchase

      6 years ago

      Hi, as what we discussed, if the user type is a multiple-select field, that would be great as we do not need to configure the same configuration for each role and that is very inconvenient and confusing as the plugin summary page do not show which user has been included for the configuration.

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      6 years ago

      Hello Martin,

      We have discussed for adding multiple-select field for roles, not for user type. Let take a one example, Suppose you will select User Type as "All Users" then we need able to select multiple roles.

  11. martin1 member avatar

    martin1 Verified Purchase

    6 years ago

    Hi, that will be a great feature to save so much of time to repeat the same configuration for different role.

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      6 years ago

      Hello Martin,

      We will work on that. Once it will be complete, we will update you.

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      6 years ago


      We've updated our release for role's dropdwon as multipick list.

      Make sure first uninstall previous release from your crm and install new release which is compatible with your crm.

  12. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Martin,

    Do you have any question regarding this ticket?

    if not then we will close this ticket.

    • martin1 member avatar

      martin1 Verified Purchase

      6 years ago

      Hi, things are going good, thanks so much for the extraordinary respond I have no more questions, you may close this case.

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