Need to show or hide fields or panels based on the value of another field? For this requirement Dynamic Panels is the perfect solution. The advanced configuration tools allow you to clearly define what should happen whenever a field value changes.
#3416 - Condition AND not Working
Hello. We have been setting a rule for some action to be done on some condition. We use the AND condition, but it seems not to be working we would like to know how to tackle that. Thanks
4 years ago
Can you please check Login User having same Role as you configured in Dynamic Panel Configuration Page for particular Module in which you're trying apply Dynamic Panel Rule.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
Hi. We of course checked the Roles, and they are all okay. We upgraded our 6 version to the latest version 12. It seems to solve the issue, but there is another issue base on the upgrade. There is no possibility to select many values in conditions. For example, we want to take an action if the value is one in the list, this feature seems to have been removed. Thanks to help how to solve this.
4 years ago
Can you please share screenshot of the list for which you're talking so we can get exact idea about the issue.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
Before for the type of the field we could set value can be one among a set of value now it's not possible. We can only set type as a value.
For example, we want a field to be hidden if field A's value is in this list (1,2,3,8)
how to do it now?
4 years ago
Can you please tell us the type of the field which you're checking.
Field Type means it's Text Type Field, Date Type Field, Dropdown Type Field or Multiselect Type Dropdown.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
The type of the field is dropdown. But before we were able to select multivalue for the condition now we can only select one value for the condition
We could say for example on condition status in one of these (1, 2, 9) then field author is required now we can't do that. With the now version 12
4 years ago
Currently Our add-on support "One of" Option for MultiSelect Dropdown Type Field only. See Screenshot :
We're releasing new version on Next Week which we'll support to Simple Dropdown Field as well.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
We have released new version of Dynamic Panels on SuiteCRM Store as " to".
This release covered your requirement of **"One Of" ** option for the Dropdown Type field in Condition Block of the Configuration Page. Download the latest release from the SuiteCRM Store and Install on your CRM.
Please let us know if you have any further query.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
3 years ago
Hope your issue has been resolved.
Currently We're closing this Case.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD