Display Namenicw
Member SinceApril 16th, 2020
Last SeenMay 21st, 2020
nicw does not have any add-ons for sale.
Support May 8th, 2020 @ 8:30 am
Hello Maciej, Thankyou for responding. I look forward to testing the update when it comes. Kind regards, Nic W
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Support April 27th, 2020 @ 8:12 am
Hello Maciej,
Understood on the second part. I realise that I had actually set it up as you described but didn't realise it was just the default setting for new records I was looking at. Thanks makes sense now.
For the first, please let me know about the development costs for this.
Kind regards,
Nic W
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Support April 24th, 2020 @ 3:45 pm
Thankyou Maciej. I look forward to your reply and learning how I can overcome these shortcomings.
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Support April 24th, 2020 @ 1:43 pm
I've also come to learn that your Extension only syncs between SuiteCRM Leads and I'm guessing Mautic Contacts whereas the standard SugarCRM extension that comes with Mautic syncs with Leads, Contacts & Accounts.
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Support April 24th, 2020 @ 12:48 pm
In your guide, dated 2015 you say on page 6 (the only mention of duplication);
"By default, SugarCRM© adds the contacts no duplicated to marketing lists, but it doesn’t have rules to exclude obsolete contacts."
Ok, so you are saying that SuiteCRM does not add duplicate contacts - right?
However, digging into this further;
- SuiteCRM leaves Targets in the Target list when converting them into Leads (created a copy) so this is the first time a potential duplication could occur unless manually entered.
- The SuiteCRM Targets module doesn’t have a “find duplicates function”.
- The SuiteCRM Campaign module does suppress duplicate sending to the same email address (from within SuiteCRM), however as we do a lot of offline or direct mail marketing and there does not seem to be a simple method to suppress those and the Target Lists that would be generated from them.
From what I can tell, the only way to avoid duplication (as described above) would be to create a more complex SQL query that compares field values in different modules (excluding duplicates) when generating the Target List.
Have I understood correctly?
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Support April 24th, 2020 @ 12:01 pm
Thank you for responding. I did indeed read the guide, however, it was not clear how this issue would be clearly handled. I'll take another look.
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Support April 24th, 2020 @ 10:08 am
Thank you.
I'm seeing this in the logs (URL's' have been sanitized for security purposes) which may assist in your resolution further.
Fri Apr 24 10:06:08 2020 [31627][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:400 Fri Apr 24 10:06:08 2020 [31627][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: DeployedMetaDataImplementation: $moduleName is not a Deployed Module Fri Apr 24 10:06:08 2020 [31627][1][FATAL] backtrace:
0 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/DeployedMetaDataImplementation.php(84): sugar_die('DeployedMetaDat...')
1 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/GridLayoutMetaDataParser.php(93): DeployedMetaDataImplementation->__construct('editview', '', Array)
2 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/ParserFactory.php(87): GridLayoutMetaDataParser->__construct('editview', '', NULL)
3 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/custom/VIDynamicPanels/VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields.php(26): ParserFactory::getParser('editview', '')
4 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/custom/VIDynamicPanels/VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields.php(20): VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields->getFields()
5 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/custom/VIDynamicPanels/VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields.php(120): VIDynamicPanelsAllModuleFields->__construct()
6 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(1020): require_once('/home/THEACCOUNT/...')
7 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(468): SugarController->handleEntryPoint()
8 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(373): SugarController->process()
9 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/include/MVC/SugarApplication.php(113): SugarController->execute()
10 /home/THEACCOUNT/SUB.DOMAIN.EXT/index.php(52): SugarApplication->execute()
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Support April 24th, 2020 @ 9:45 am
It is possible to create a Workflow that can create a Target List and I can schedule a Call (en mass) from a Workflow. You don't need to export campaign data. There are numerous SuiteCRM extensions that can integrate directly with services like Mautic for example. Yes, I can see that last part requiring some customisation.
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Support April 24th, 2020 @ 9:09 am
So expanding on that feature a little further.
From what I understand ......
- Target Lists can feed Calls, so if a duplicate record is found in the Target List it will probably create duplicate Call activities.
- Target Lists can also feed Campaigns for external marketing campaigns which could also result in duplicate records unless the external service automatically restricts this.
- Also if I send Leads into SuiteCRM directly from an external Form I need a method to avoid duplication again.
From what you are saying this is not currently supported which would make maintaining effective or clean Target Lists quite a challenge. Unless of course, I have misunderstood some functionality of SuiteCRM or your Extension.
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Support April 24th, 2020 @ 8:51 am
"Do you mean that you want to make sure a contact is only in one target list?"
Essentially yes.
From what I understand of SuiteCRM when Targets are converted to Leads they remain a Target and the record is copied to the Leads module and the records associated creating a conversion path.
If I build a marketing list that pulls data from both Targets and Leads I want to make sure that I don't have the same record twice and send duplicate emails or make duplicate calls etc.
How do I ensure this? (if could be that I have misunderstood something).
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Support April 21st, 2020 @ 12:41 pm
I've now solved the issue.
On checking the CRM logs I found the following error when trying to authenticate.
2020-04-21 13:34:07.390579 [INFO] [2171] [2a00:b0e0:6:5::36:59690] File not found [/home/USER/crm.MYDOMAIN.co.uk/404.shtml] 2020-04-21 13:34:07.390561 [INFO] [2171] [2a00:b0e0:6:5::36:59690] File not found [/home/USER/crm.MYDOMAIN.co.uk/service/v4_1_mautic/rest.php] 2020-04-21 13:34:07.390452 [ERROR] [2171] [HTAccess] Failed to open [/home/USER/crm.MYDOMAIN.co.uk/service/v4_1_mautic/.htaccess]: Permission denied
I checked the file permissions for the v4_1_mautic folder and found they were incorrect. Once I updated them ...... everything is now working.
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Support April 21st, 2020 @ 11:37 am
As this is a new install I changed the license key by remove, retaining tables and reinstalling and updating license key. So I have temporarily resolved the problem.
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Support April 21st, 2020 @ 11:32 am
I noticed the following error in the logs:
Sun Apr 19 23:00:07 2020 [4458][1][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed. Sun Apr 19 23:00:07 2020 [4458][1][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT b.id FROM VIDynamicPanelsLicenseAddon b LEFT JOIN aod_indexevent ie ON (ie.record_id = b.id AND ie.record_module = 'VIDynamicPanelsLicenseAddon') WHERE b.deleted = 0 AND (ie.id IS NULL OR ie.date_modified < b.date_modified) ORDER BY b.date_modified ASC LIMIT 0,500: MySQL error 1146: Table 'c2nprop7_scrm.VIDynamicPanelsLicenseAddon' doesn't exist
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Support April 21st, 2020 @ 9:33 am
The standard SugarCRM plugin authenticated with Mautic without problem so I'm a little confused why this isn't working.
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Support April 21st, 2020 @ 9:25 am
The instances are on the same server and I configured the locale setting to be the same (including suitecrm user).
I did adjust the token expiration and now I'm seeing a date in the future, however it's still not authorising ?
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Support April 20th, 2020 @ 12:31 pm
I've also checked Mautic API settings;
Access token lifetime = 60 minutes Refresh token lifetime = 14 days API request limit = 0
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Support April 20th, 2020 @ 12:19 pm
If I follow the redirect it gives me the following URL;
Which takes me (when I'm logged in) to;
I have enabled the Mautic connector and have a Token Expiration Date which seems to be the exact date and time of when the access token was generated. It would seem that the token is expiring immediately ??
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