by Izertis

Create documents in docx, xlsx (MS Office Word and Excel), odt, ods (LibreOffice and OpenOffice) and pdf format without MS Office or others plugins installed from any module and subpanel using templates.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5490 Non-static method SugarView::getBreadCrumbSymbol() - getBreadCrumbSymbol is not a static method, getBreadCrumbSymbol needs to be called from an instance t Open Bug?
#5489 Unparenthesized ternary operators are not supported in PHP - This part of your plugin has syntax errors. I suggest you look at line 118 in your edit view defini t Open Bug?
#5113 Tables are splitting over two pages - Hello, i am having a problem that a table is getting splitt over two pages. https://thedataare daniel Open Bug?
#4971 What is the minimal LibreOffice installation for PDF functionality - I just purchased MailMerge for SuiteCRM 7.13.4 on Ubuntu 20.04. What is the _minimal_ LibreOffice pa rick-ecds Open General Question
#4966 SuiteCRM version 8 - Is SuiteCRM version 8 supported? if not, are there plans to do so and what is the ETA? aglover Open Feature
#4150 download newest version - hello, we're still on 2.5.1 premium -- where can I download 2.5.16? Closed Installation
#4149 Empty "Available variables list" - Hi, I have installed mail merge reports on my suiteCRM 7.12 . Unfortunatelly the list with variab sebastiankopp Open Bug?
#4019 Generated Excel file is corrupted - We've been using MailMerge for almost two years now both in a production and a staging environment. prosumer Open Bug?
#3882 Template downloads twice the size - Hi, we have updated the CRM, from version SugarCRM 6.5 with PHP 5.6 to SuiteCRM 7.11.15 with PHP sinergiacrm Closed Bug?
#3607 Sub panel alphabetical order - word doc - HI there :) We are generating a quote record and have a custom module sub panel being generated wi t Closed Bug?
#3255 Excel/Spreadsheet features - Hi, First of all, thanks for developping such a nice module ! I'm asking whether the following Dew Trelong Closed Feature
#3122 Word - Insert Dynamic Image - Hi, I make a word template for AOS_Quotes, include line_items ( AOS_Products_Quotes ). In Line It nehos Closed General Question
#3064 Save in Upload My Document - Hi, I'm testing you plug-in and it works very well . I have one question, can I generate document a nehos Closed Feature
#3014 Is the product still being supported - Please advise if the product is still being supported. I see open cases that have not been responde ross Closed General Question
#2989 Unable to see Mail Merge link in many custom modules - Unable to find download for "Cde Libreoffice odt_docx_export_pdf AllFonts". The link provided does magarwal Closed Installation
#2986 Getting record details from both sides of a one-to-many relationship of the same module - Hi, We found that when a relationship within the same module is set up, normally doing it from st sinergiacrm Closed Bug?
#2533 Bug with Quotes: Deleted Groups of Line Items are still exported. - The generated document should not show any deleted record of the Quote. Now it happens for deleted G Specialvideo Closed Bug?
#2414 Licence Validation - Hi Does the CRM require an internet connection to validate the licence, Our CRM is behind a strin grantjoyce1 Closed Installation
#2396 Cancel subscription Mail Merge Reports in test-time - We ran into the same problem as described in the ticket jdneuberger Closed Bug?
#2278 Activated modules not in module list - I have a huge issue with MailMergeReport Premium 2.5.14 and SuiteCRM 7.8.11. After I activated a cus trollr Closed Bug?
#2151 Errors during document generation - During a first document generation test from "Opportunities", I got the following errors: ![error Televic Digital Closed Bug?
#2066 Set date/time format in .docx document - Hi team. I'm creating a mail merge .docx report and the variable is displayed in MS Word as the f rond Closed General Question
#2046 Uploading Document Error - Hello, When I try to upload a document, it is not working, The record is saved, but I keep gettin joynerar Closed Bug?
#2039 Can't modifiy settings in Config panel - There are no options to click on the dropdown field in the Mail Merge Reports Config screen. When cl mike9 Closed General Question
#1984 MMR: In creating PDF, empty lines and newline commands in text areas are ignored - We are using MMR, and we create documents e.g. from SuiteCRM billing which uses text areas for produ WSiedler Closed Bug?
#1766 Field formatting - I just purchased this software and am trying to get it set up correctly. I need to know if I can IdealIT Closed General Question
#1750 Strange behavior when setting enabled modules - SuiteCRM 7.10.11 LAMP stack PHP 7.0.33 Hi I've recently installed and configured your module for Business Fundamentals Closed Bug?
#1704 Leads and Contacts - Trying to enable Leads, Contacts and Oportunities Modules in the Admin Area. If Leads is enabled, Co robdouglas Closed Bug?
#1700 Compatibility with Workflow Module - Any plans to make compatible with the workflow module in SuiteCRM. robdouglas Closed Feature
#1666 Templates default language cannot be saved in Mail Merge Reports Config interface. - I have the latest LTS Suite CRM Version 7.8.23 and the latest Mail Merge version 2.5.14. When I g Specialvideo Closed Bug?
#1665 Don't find the example templates; config_override.php not written by installation - I have the latest LTS Suite CRM Version 7.8.23 and the latest Mail Merge version 2.5.14. After in Specialvideo Closed Bug?
#1651 Can't enable any module: blocking error! - Dear Mail Merge Staff, I have the latest LTS Suite CRM Version 7.8.23, and the Mail Merge is blocke Specialvideo Closed Bug?
#1555 MailMerge Question: Can I generate a document without the UI? - We have successfully used your MailMerge tools for years now and very much like the way it works. W peterjakob Closed General Question
#1539 Sorting of line items - We are using SuiteCRM Version 7.8.10 with MailMergeReports 2.5.12 for creating documents in modules WSiedler Closed General Question
#1537 Attach to note - We are using SuiteCRM Version 7.8.10 with MailMergeReports 2.5.12 for creating documents in modules WSiedler Closed General Question
#1536 Quantities without digits - We are using SuiteCRM Version 7.8.10 with MailMergeReports 2.5.12 for creating documents in modules WSiedler Closed General Question
#1461 Clarification regarding "The cde package does not work in virtualized servers." - I am trying to run the cde package on a 64-but Ubuntu 16.04. The server is a dedicated one, albeit i WSiedler Closed General Question
#1459 Ubuntu: PDF generations fails - Server: Ubuntu Server 16 SuiteCRM 7.8.10 Mail-Marge-Reports extension: 2.5.1 (paid version) Libre WSiedler Closed Bug?
#1445 Compatibility check - We have installed plugin on our SugarCE ve devmehta Closed General Question
#1443 Supported LibreOffice versions - Hello! One of our clients is complaining that they cannot generate PDFs on their environment, or mo diligent technology & business consulting GmbH Closed General Question
#1407 Plugin Merge - Digital Signatures inside SuiteCRM - Hello We are EngageCRM UK and we work on many different projects for SuiteCRM Our client has InfinityInternational Closed Feature
#1396 unload directory - Case # 1357 is not resolved. The response irrelevant to the question asked, They need carefully th magarwal Closed Bug?
#1357 unload directory - It appears that Mail Merge Reports is not using the location from sugar configuration for unload dir magarwal Closed Installation
#1229 Support required - I have a working SUiteCRM installation and I would like to try out MailMerge Reports. I am not a dev robert1 Closed Installation
#1213 Accessing templates based on user groups - Hello Izertis Team, it looks like the accessibility of document templates can only be controlled diligent technology & business consulting GmbH Closed General Question
#1212 Unneccessary White pages in merged PDF document - Hello Izertis Team, we are currently experiencing a weird behavior as we are generating merged PD diligent technology & business consulting GmbH Closed Bug?
#1208 User Photo - I've read over the method to merge an image but its a bit confusing. I want to insert the User [phot drichardson Closed General Question
#1148 Single template/document with custom fields and custom module - Does Mail Merge create a single template/document with multiple fields (including custom fields) fro jay1 Closed Feature
#1114 PHP Warning - DHA_PlantillasDocumentos::populateFromRow(array $row, $convert = false) should be compatible with SugarBean::populateFromRow($row) - Looking at error.log i have seen a warning repeated several times: > mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warni sanchezfauste Closed Bug?
#1061 MMR 2.5.12 Premium: Can not upload template - We installed Mail-Merge-Reports version 2.5.12 Premium with SuiteCRM 7.8.10. Operating system is Cen WSiedler Closed Bug?
#949 PHP Fatal Error - I have noticed the following fatal errors in my logs lately, just wondering if there is a fix? PH Business Fundamentals Closed Bug?
#947 PDF Generator - Are there good instructions for installing open office so the pdf generator functions properly? Or c drichardson Closed Installation
#850 Mail Merge - Mail Merge is experiencing several issues. The config menu does not retain the enabled module info. drichardson Closed Bug?
#774 Excel -Submodule merge - Hello, I was wondering if Excel - "Submodule Merge" is on the roadmap for future releases? daniel Closed Feature
#772 Document Creation error - I get the following errors in my log when trying to create a document: [15-Nov-2017 20:11:27 UTC] silvershark Closed General Question
#720 30 Day not guaraantee - Hi, I bought your plug-in on 1 september and cancelled myu subscription on 29 september but we have sbonaldo Closed General Question
#613 howtio add an image to a template - Hi there, I have a image field in the Relations module (i.e. company logo) Name Label bertvancapelle Closed General Question
#591 Name File Generate - Can I download file with name of my record? For example: My Opportunity : "TEST MailMerge" sbonaldo Closed Feature
#520 Not working - The module has installed ok. however when I try to create a document it gets a blank screen. Running bsalouris Closed General Question
#428 Generate Document button missing - We have migrated from SugarCRM 6.5.18 and upgraded to SuiteCRM 7.9.0. We upgraded Mail Merge Report Kim Closed General Question
#425 Template for quote and invoice - Can you provide a template for quote and invoice. We are interested to group the line items like th Heimo Closed General Question
#412 How to Make Use of Related Fields in Word DOCX Template - Hello There, Lets say I have the following tables: Companies (with Name, and relationship 1-to-m MarkCline Closed Bug?
#386 Generic Basic Template - helper text is in spanish? - Also, possible to embed images from Contact? - Hi, Just purchased the product, looks great so far. However, when I generate a Basic Template (Su junaid Closed Bug?
#293 Multiple issues - Hello, I am expiriencing mutiple issues. 1. .docx generation works for a single record when I daniel Closed Bug?
#281 Can't enable modules in configuration area - I installed Mail Merge without errors, howeever when i try to enable modules and save the LibreOffic daniel Closed Bug?
#265 How can I generate related field of the module ? - Example: I have a declaration for products module: [a;block=w:body;sub1=accounts] [a_sub1;block=w: ngoquyxuan Closed Feature
#219 Not Working - I have installed this on SuiteCRM version 7.8.1 - Does it work with this version of Suite. It seem robdouglas Closed Bug?
#105 AOS_Offers and AOS_invoices - Is this module compatible with AOS line items (Offers/Invoices/Contracts)? If yes, where can I find jdickinson Closed General Question
#104 Display Image in PDF - Hi, PDF generation working perfect. I want to insert an image in the PDF. Let me know if it is p sabana Closed General Question
#96 Creating DOC, send in PDF - Hi Our customers wish to send documents to their clients in PDF format however they wish to produ FibreCRM Closed General Question
  • "It has improved our processes so much! Admin cut in half! We send a webform to clients to sign up straight into CRM then generate and print their paperwork to sign."

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