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Create documents in docx, xlsx (MS Office Word and Excel), odt, ods (LibreOffice and OpenOffice) and pdf format without MS Office or others plugins installed from any module and subpanel using templates.

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#850 - Mail Merge

Closed Bug? created by drichardson 6 years ago

Mail Merge is experiencing several issues. The config menu does not retain the enabled module info. "Generate Document" tab shows up in list view twice sometimes. If I repair and rebuild it goes away but returns. The exported document sometimes has several copies of itself in one document.

  1. drichardson member avatar


    6 years ago

    I'm using suitecrm 7.9.1

    • dharma member avatar

      Izertis Provider

      6 years ago


      We have been reviewing again the behavior of the component with SuiteCRM 7.9.1, but we have not been able to reproduce any of the behaviors that you mention. The tests have gone well.

      In case it can help you, regarding each of the issues you mention:

      • The configuration of the enabled modules is saved in the file 'config_override.php' (or in the 'config. php' if there has been a configuration merge), in the variable[' DHA_templates_historical_enabled_modules'][' ModuleXXX'] (one variable for each module). Check when the error occurs if these variables still exist, or if it has been deleted for some reason.

      • The menu entry in the ListView is added through a hook. Please check if in the file 'custom / modules / ModuleXXX / logic_hooks.php' (replace ModuleXXX with the name of the module that gives the problem) there is a single line with the following content: '$hook_array['after_ui_frame'][ ] = Array(1002, 'Document Templates after_ui_frame Hook' ..... '. If there were two entries it could be the case that you mention, but we have not been able to reproduce that case yet.

      • We have not reproduced the case in which the content of the generated document is duplicated. Could you send us a template to reproduce it? The template should be from a standard module and contain standard SuiteCRM fields so that we can use it in our tests (without customizations).


    • dharma member avatar

      Izertis Provider

      6 years ago

      Regarding the problem with saving the configuration, check Jason's comments in this case

      Also, regarding the problem with menu entries, we will try to add a solution in the next version of the component. Although we have not yet been able to reproduce it, we will try to prevent this from happening.

  2. drichardson member avatar


    6 years ago

    I installed a new instance of Suitecrm 7.9.8 and then installed Mail Merge Reports 2.5.10. The Module functions properly except PDF outputs a blank document and neither the document or the pdf can attach to an email. I installed cde-libreoffice-pdf in my public_html folder. I put "cde-libreoffice-pdf/libreoffice.cde " in the LibreOffice cde path.

  3. drichardson member avatar


    6 years ago

    Is that the issue with generating a pdf also?

    • dharma member avatar

      Izertis Provider

      6 years ago

      No, pdf generation is a distinct problem. Review if the user executing Apache have the right permissions with cde folder and files. Also try to assign "LibreOffice working directory" in the config window of MMR.

      This is from the readme.txt of MMR:

        - $sugar_config['DHA_OpenOffice_HOME']
            LibreOffice working directory (Only for Linux). Required for PDF generation if HOME system environment variable does not point to a directory that has write permission for the user that runs the web server  
            Example :
               [LINUX] '/tmp'

      If you don't get the pdf generation working, we will send to your email one php file to test generation from command line. This will help you to investigate the causes of the issue.

    • dharma member avatar

      Izertis Provider

      6 years ago

      Note also that the LibreOffice cde path must be a complete path, not relative. For example:

    • dharma member avatar

      Izertis Provider

      6 years ago


      We have just released MMR 2.5.11 wich solves "attach to email" problem with SuiteCRM 7.9.x releases. Please, note that this functionality will work only from SuiteCRM 7.9.10 due to SuiteCRM bugs.

  4. MauroSky member avatar


    3 months ago

    Hello, in 2021 we subscribed for Mail Merge Reports for SuiteCRM we are still paying your subscription. Now after updating SuiteCRM it doesn't work anymore, we need the update, but we have nothing, neither your references nor a login or password to access. You can send us an email to understand how we can do to have the plugin updated.


    SuiteCRM Version 7.14.4

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