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#2278 - Activated modules not in module list

Closed Bug? created by trollr 5 years ago

I have a huge issue with MailMergeReport Premium 2.5.14 and SuiteCRM 7.8.11. After I activated a custom module it will not show in the module selection list. I did a deepdive and I think it's an issue with the way you generate dha_plantillasdocumentos_module_dom through the getUserActions method in ACLAction. getUserActions reads the $_SESSION['ACL'] and my custom module is missing in $_SESSION['ACL']. How could I get it work?

  1. trollr member avatar


    5 years ago

    Additional infos: I already rebuild and repair with 'Repair Roles' and Quick Repair.

  2. trollr member avatar


    5 years ago

    After session_destroy() and login the module is in the list

    • dharma member avatar

      Izertis Provider

      5 years ago


      After the logout-login has already worked well, right?

    • trollr member avatar


      5 years ago

      Nope, I need to build a test.php with session_destroy(). Dunno if suitecrm destroy my session

    • dharma member avatar

      Izertis Provider

      5 years ago


      We have been testing MMR 2.5.14 with Suitecrm 7.8.23 regarding this case. We have created a new module and it has been verified that the module always has value in the acl_actions table, which translates into having value in $_SESSION['ACL']. This happens even if ACL support for the module is disabled. That is, in the module bean:

         public function bean_implements($interface){
               case 'ACL':
                  return false;
            return false;

      You should check if the acl_actions table contains records for the module that is causing problems (replace 'MODULE-NAME' with the real name of the module in this SQL): :

      SELECT * FROM acl_actions WHERE category = 'MODULE-NAME'

      If no record is found, insert the necessary records with this SQL for Mysql (again, replace 'MODULE-NAME' with the real module name):

      insert into acl_actions (id, date_entered, date_modified, modified_user_id, created_by, name, category, acltype, aclaccess, deleted)
      (UUID(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 1, 'access', 'MODULE-NAME', 'module', 89, 0),
      (UUID(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 1, 'delete', 'MODULE-NAME', 'module', 90, 0),
      (UUID(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 1, 'edit', 'MODULE-NAME', 'module', 90, 0),
      (UUID(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 1, 'export', 'MODULE-NAME', 'module', 90, 0),
      (UUID(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 1, 'import', 'MODULE-NAME', 'module', 90, 0),
      (UUID(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 1, 'list', 'MODULE-NAME', 'module', 90, 0),
      (UUID(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 1, 'massupdate', 'MODULE-NAME', 'module', 90, 0),
      (UUID(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 1, 'view', 'MODULE-NAME', 'module', 90, 0)

      Then logout and login from Suitecrm.

      Remember also that the module must be activated for MMR from the Admin module. The module must appear in the list of enabled modules within the configuration section "Mail Merge Reports Config".

      If the problem persists, check if the files_ "custom/modules/{$module_name}/DHA_DocumentTemplatesHooks.php"_ and "custom/modules/{$module_name}/logic_hooks.php" exists. In the logic_hooks.php file there must be at least two lines of type $hook_array['after_ui_frame'].


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