by Urdhva Tech

Fed up of not being able to find important clients? Tag them! This plugin allows you to tag your records to identify them instantly. Color coded tags make it even simpler to catch them. Through Tag Management for SuiteCRM, the user can handle large amounts of records with similar attributes or types. The user can also easily find any contents, important customer, important notes etc. through appropriate tagging.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5542 Colors - Hello, we would suggest that one can enter the colors also as Hex values or RGB values to get a more AOSCON Closed Feature
#5406 Tag Colors not showing - Version 7.14.2 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344) Power Choice Closed Bug?
#5381 Do you not have a version to support the current SuiteCRM 8.6? - Hey, wondering if the current tagMe support SuiteCRM 8.6. we are trying to use it in SuiteCRM 8.6. T Open Bug?
#5295 merge does not work - Hi, we put our tag field to the list of fields that are shown while merging records, but we noticed crmspace GmbH Open Bug?
#5261 Features - Hi There, Woud would like to discuss specific features regarding this module. Coud you be of any he alexandre In Progress Feature
#5174 Some modules are not working with tagme on php 8.0 - We are facing the following issues due to tagme module as we are upgrading from CRM 7.12 version of Power Choice In Progress Bug?
#5171 Dashlets / Reports - I am no longer able the edit a Dashlet after adding TagMe to the Dashlets search view. Also, when I tedhughes Closed Bug?
#5153 Mass remove tags - Is there a way to mass remove a tag from multiple records at the same time? tedhughes Closed General Question
#5068 Allow non-admins to predefine Tags - Hi, I would like to allow non-admins to predefine Tags. Could you tell me if this is possible someho edv2 Closed General Question
#5055 Suitecrm 7.14.1 - Hello, Have you an issue for blank page in ticket module ? Quentin Closed Bug?
#4888 Trialing TagMe - a few bugs/questions - Hi, We're trialing this, but we have some questions and (possibly) some bugs 1) Deleted tags Michael G. Closed Bug?
#4768 PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'UT_Tagme' not found in /var/www/crm-dev/crm/cache/smarty/templates_c/%%2F^2FB^2FB9FF48%%SearchForm_advanced.tpl.php:118 - Hello, I am getting following error on any target/contact deletion. PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Ertan Gencer Closed Bug?
#4726 Dropdown multiselect for searching and/or adding into the tag text block - Hi, How to have the dropdown field (support multiselect) of TagMe items for adding into the tag raymond1 Closed Feature
#4706 Tags not showing in detailed view - Hi, We are currently trialing the tag Me plugin. We have followed the instructions and have succes jonnie00 Closed Bug?
#4518 Rendering of tasks in Dashboard wrong - When a tagged Task appears in more than 1 Dashboard simultaneously, it ist displayed wrong, see here fneumann In Progress Bug?
#4344 Multiple Tags for one contact aren't working - Hello, I have the following problem. If I try to filter all contacts with one specific tag, but a c ngronau Closed General Question
#4174 TagME on SuiteCRM8 - Hi, Does TagME work on a fresh SuiteCRM8 install? Will it work when we'll upgrade from 7.X to 8 reboul Closed General Question
#4173 How to access the tags created by a user - Hi, We really enjoy using your TagME extension ! However, We don't understand how we can access an reboul Closed Feature
#3759 TagMe field type is not working properly - I have configured a TagMe field. The field shows up. When I edit the field, I see placeholder text ' benktesh Closed Bug?
#3673 Tag update - Is possible to update/sync tags for targets/contact/leads at once so the tags update all at once, to mediaral Closed General Question
#3462 multiple tag search - Is it possible to search by multiple tags at once? instead of searching for tag1 ... i can search mediaral Closed Feature
#3453 tag me not showing at list - ![Untitled.png]( amirul Closed General Question
#3241 I am unable to get to the settings pages, keeps showing the license key verification page. - I am unable to get to the pages Manage Predefine Tags, Manage Regular Users and Populate Limit as it darren1 Closed Bug?
#3177 License error - I couldn't use my add-on. There is a license error. ![Screenshot_1.png]( Ertan Gencer Closed Bug?
#3030 Bulk action menu doesn't work - When i add tagme field to listview, bulk action menu doesn't work. ![Screenshot_5.png](https://st satinalma Closed Bug?
#3029 It doesn't shown in account list view - ## heading textWhen i add it to account list view, it doesn't shown. 'ACCOUNT_TAG_C' => arr satinalma Closed General Question
#3027 Undefined error for mass update - When i try to do mass update for 7000 records, there is an error which is undefined error? ![Screen satinalma Closed Bug?
#2961 TagMe Configuration doesn't work. - I'm using SuiteCRM latest version which is 7.11.15. I also verified license. When i try to set "TagM satinalma Closed Bug?
#2793 Facilty to rstrict tag for the a particlr field creates in a partucr module - We have thousands of tags for a client and want to classify them as part of the deployment and wan CA. B.C.Chechani Closed Feature
#2516 How do I search multiple tags? - I tried doing this and it doesn't work - or am I missing something? mlewis Closed General Question
#2513 Regular Users have license problems. - Hello, under Admin user I can add tags and everything is fine. If I'm logged in with an regular use sgi Closed General Question
#2386 Tag Me Mass Update - Buttons not visible - Hello, we just faced the problem that when doing a mass update we cannot see the buttons for I gu Dorucon Closed Bug?
#2347 Hierarchical tags? - Hello, Is it possible to create a hierarchy of tags? A system where each tag could have a multipl jpvalois Closed Feature
#2327 Tags not showing - Hi We recently updated to the latest version of SuiteCRM and Tagme. For some reasons the tags a info59 Closed General Question
#2220 Report wonkie - when i create a report say in Leads Module and added a Tag for leads . without adding the field randy Closed Bug?
#2219 Tag with Color is blank. - when i create a tag in manage predifined tags . select color and name it throws this error "Tag wi randy Closed Bug?
#2035 problem creating tags - We installed TagMe in our SuiteCRM system. After installation we had the database problem, so we di eleonorewall Closed Installation
#2012 Search not working & Predefine tags not possible - Hi I have installed tagMe 3.2.12 on SuiteCRM 7.11.2 (now upgraded to 7.11.5). I have two problem fih_le34 Closed Bug?
#1867 Installation problem: "Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details." - Hi team, I have installed the plugin then went to "MANAGE PREDEFINE TAGS", it showed error messag dangnh Closed Installation
#1816 Fatal error: SugarFieldUtagme::getSearchWhereValue - TagMe has stopped working on my site, probably since the last SuiteCRM update (version 7.10.14). Th mattf10 Closed Bug?
#1738 tagMe Mass Update appearing twice in Bulk Actions drop down - I recently upgraded from version 3.1 to 3.2. Now I have the same item "tagMe Mass Update" appearing mattf10 Closed Bug?
#1523 Filter Does not Containg Tag - Any way to filter for contact records that Do not contain a particular Tag? robdouglas Closed Feature
#1511 Tags Not working - HI there Suitecrm version 7.10.9 Tagme 3.2.10 Can add Tags in List view, but cannot add them i robdouglas Closed General Question
#1427 Problem after installation 2 - After installation I do not see the "Search by Tags" field from "List View". How to repair this? Se KPT Closed Bug?
#1401 Installation problem - I have SuiteCRM 7.10.5. After installation and license validation I have similar problem like int #8 KPT Closed Bug?
#1304 Mass Update Tags - Suite 7.9.9, standalone on a Bitnami stack. PHP 7.0 Hi, when I attempt to do a mass update from l Business Fundamentals Closed Bug?
#1252 tag data not deleted when deleting entities - We import users with tags, but when the user is deleted the tag data is not deleted too, this leads viktorsohm Closed Bug?
#1179 Error when importing contacts, but contacts are still imported correctly - ![Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at 10.30.33.png]( viktorsohm Closed Bug?
#1159 Contacts not in global search - If i search for a tag or part of a tag in global search (for example i search "test" and i have the viktorsohm Closed Bug?
#1158 License verification not persistent - I can successfully verify my license, but when i log out and log back in i have to re-verify the lic viktorsohm Closed Installation
#1120 Is Populate of Existing Tags While Typing Available in Filtering (Quick and Advanced)? - Urdhvatech, We're really liking this addon, especially the ability to add tag field to so many ar ACM Closed General Question
#1018 Tag Fields Not Showing Dropdown Populate Choices - Hi Again, We upgraded to 3.2.25 and created predefined tags. We also created tag fields in Studi ACM Closed Bug?
#978 Managed Predefined Tags Not Working - Hi, We purchased version 3.2.4 on 2/20/18. Installed on LTS 7.8.15. We installed and verified ACM Closed Bug?
#976 MANAGE PREDEFINED TAGS DOESN'T WORK - Hi, I installed the last version from the store, but when, from administration, i try to create a n matteo.injenia Closed Bug?
#872 Tags in subpanels not linkified - Hi! I have a version of tagMe that is probably almost two years old, I don't know if I should update pgr Closed General Question
#831 Addon does not work - Able to create a new field with TagMe type. Not able to actually create or save pre-defined or dyna kenwoodruff Closed Bug?
#589 TagMe Configuration not showing up - After following the instructions, we're stuck here: ![Pasted image at 2017_09_04 12_51 PM.png](ht paologutierrez Closed Installation
#527 tagMe Mass Update - We have purchased the tagMe plugin and it works wonderfully. However, I cant seem to find the tagMe rbehar Closed Bug?
#26 Adding tags from code - Hi there, I just installed my brand new tagMe module and I am loving it. I have some PHP code to pgr Closed General Question
  • "Just started using the add on. Great impression so far. Excellent service experienced." - info59

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