by Urdhva Tech

Fed up of not being able to find important clients? Tag them! This plugin allows you to tag your records to identify them instantly. Color coded tags make it even simpler to catch them. Through Tag Management for SuiteCRM, the user can handle large amounts of records with similar attributes or types. The user can also easily find any contents, important customer, important notes etc. through appropriate tagging.

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#1816 - Fatal error: SugarFieldUtagme::getSearchWhereValue

Closed Bug? created by mattf10 Verified Purchase 6 years ago

TagMe has stopped working on my site, probably since the last SuiteCRM update (version 7.10.14). The following error is in the suitecrm.log:

[FATAL] Caught error: Declaration of SugarFieldUtagme::getSearchWhereValue($value, $seed, $field_name, $customField) should be compatible with SugarFieldBase::getSearchWhereValue($value)

This appears on screen when importing:

WARNING: [2] Declaration of SugarFieldUtagme::getSearchWhereValue($value, $seed, $field_name, $customField) should be compatible with SugarFieldBase::getSearchWhereValue($value) on line 0 in file /custom/include/SugarFields/Fields/Utagme/SugarFieldUtagme.php

It appears the parent method changed and now this declaration causes the error. Can you please have a look? Thanks

  1. mattf10 member avatar

    mattf10 Verified Purchase

    6 years ago

    Here is what I mean by "stopped working": On the home page, the Tag Cloud only shows two tags which aren't used. However, there are many more tags that aren't showing up. In the admin, there is no link to the TagMe admin so I cannot manage the tags.

  2. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello mattf10,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. We will check and let you know about the issue you are facing.

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.

  3. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello mattf10,

    We have checked with the SuiteCRM 7.10.14 along with the PHP Version 7.1.10. It seems TagMe is working well. I am getting the warning only Declaration of SugarFieldUtagme::getSearchWhereValue as mentioned above which I have solved and uploaded the latest version(3.2.11) on the store. Other than this Tag Cloud dashlet is working well which displays all the tags exist into my CRM. Also, all the links into admin are also accessible. So please check with the latest version and let us know if you are getting the same issue or not. If you getting the same issue then connect with us on Skype.

    Our Skype id is: urdhvatech

    While un-installing the previous version doesn't remove the tables otherwise all your TagMe data will be removed from the system.

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech.

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