Display Namepgr
Member SinceApril 29th, 2016
Last SeenOctober 25th, 2024
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Support November 7th, 2018 @ 1:59 pm
Ah, it was empty, that's why it wasn't showing. Forgive me, I'm still learning about QuickCRM, I wasn't aware of this feature to hide empty fields (I agree it's useful!). Thanks again.
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Support November 7th, 2018 @ 1:41 pm
Sorry, but in this new version for some reason I can't get the "assistant_phone" field to appear in Leads module. I'm not using it for the normal purposes, I I have it customized with a different name, and the values I am showing are simple numbers like "120". This works well in SuiteCRM desktop, and worked well in QuickCRM until this last fix...
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Support November 6th, 2018 @ 3:01 pm
What I mean is, on the Home page, it works well: I see the "hamburger menu" icon on the top-right, and I can click it to see my Recents/Favorites/etc.
But once I enter the Leads Listview that icon is invisible, I can't click it.
Now, as I am writing this, I am beginning to think this is the expected behavior, because on the Android app the same thing happens, the menu is only available from Homepage.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to show it in the other pages, also? It's quite convenient.
Anyway that's just a suggestion, the issue here is solved and you can close it. Thanks!
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Support November 6th, 2018 @ 2:43 pm
Hi, I just updated QuickCRM with your new version and it solves the problem. Great!
Just a couple of quick questions: - What about updating the server module? I have, but it seems there is a version 5.3 available, where can I download it?
- when I browser my server URL www.myserver.com/mobile on my desktop browser, I can use QuickCRM from there, but it says on the Login page that it's version 6.0.4... is it really? Some of the options don't work so well from here, I can't access the left-hand sidebar... am I even supposed to be using this, or is this a non-supported, non-documented area?
Thanks for your quick answers and solutions, they are much appreciated.
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Support October 17th, 2018 @ 7:14 pm
You are my hero.
I just discovered the power of the Admin / Views Configuration option! I was able to use the photo field, and much more! This is great. Thanks a lot.
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Documentation June 21st, 2018 @ 2:45 pm
Yes I agree it's understandable that there are left-overs, it's hard to cover everything without risking deleting too much.
My difficulty with this query is that the key structure (which seems to be record_id+module) doesn't really allow me to get all orphaned records in a single query, does it? I would have to do it module by module, to join with the correct table, right?
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Documentation June 21st, 2018 @ 9:39 am
Hi there, thanks for this article. I'm trying to help someone clean up they're database and this is useful. I have a question - is the securitygroups_records table prone to accumulating orphaned records? I mean, if the record it references is deleted (say, a contact), will the corresponding row in securitygroups_records be deleted? If not, what would be a nice, safe query to delete these orphaned records? thanks
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Support June 14th, 2018 @ 3:17 pm
I'm commenting here just to watch this thread and get notified of updates. Thanks.
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Support February 8th, 2018 @ 2:35 pm
Hi, I emailed you about a performance problem with the new version, I don't know if you saw it? I sent to your "contact" email on your site.
I suspect I found the reason why the tags take so long to show: for some reason when showing a list of 23 records with Tags in the list view, I see that these lines appear repeated 23 times on top of the HTML (in the section):
(...) (...)
This makes the CSS load some rules repeated, many many times, which is probably why it's terribly slow when rendering...
Can you please look into this issue? I had to remove tagMe from my server just when the users were starting to love it...
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Support January 14th, 2018 @ 1:10 pm
SuiteCRM version is 7.8.8, PHP 7.0, tagMe version 2.0.3, theme is SuiteR
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