Experts in Excel export. An export to Excel from any list, report or subpanel of SuiteCRM.
#4589 - PHPExcel deprecation and PHP versions
Hi, I had a chance of evaluating your plugin installed in the system of one of my clients. I noticed that PHPExcel package is used, and it seems to be deprecated for a long time:
PHPExcel last version, 1.8.1, was released in 2015. The project was officially deprecated in 2017 and permanently archived in 2019.
The project has not be maintained for years and must not be used anymore. All users must migrate to its direct successor PhpSpreadsheet, or another alternative.
Do you have any plans of moving on to PHPSpreadsheet?
I fear that as people move their PHP versions forward, to PHP 8.0 or 8.1, the plugin might stop working, or have security vulnerabilities that are not getting patched...
Thanks for any information, I would like to be able to advise my client on their upgrade path and this is part of what I need to take into consideration.
2 years ago
Hi, Thank for this notice. Yes there is some issue based on PHP versions There are many of SuiteCRM installations working on lower than 7.4 PHP version, for them we will keep support of Suite2Excel based on current Excel Plugin, but we are going to make new version of this our module based on PHPSpredsheets in the nearest future
2 years ago
We jus issued new version ov Suite2Excel. PHPSpredsheets component is used if PHP version is 7.4 or more.
2 years ago
Great work, thanks!