by MokasIT

Experts in Excel export. An export to Excel from any list, report or subpanel of SuiteCRM.

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#5639 SuiteCRM 8 - Hi, in another request you wrote about a planned version in January, at the latest in February. Now Closed Installation
#5617 wrong version - work for 7.14 not 8.8 mgilles Closed Bug?
#5595 SuiteCRM 8.x compatibility - Hello, as you wrote in another request, there is a scheduled compatible version for Suitecrm 8.x for Closed General Question
#5550 the additional button Export XLSX does not appear in the reports module - Hello, we recently installed the plugin and tested it on our development environment. There the E marketing12 Closed Bug?
#5498 do you support Suite CRM 8 - Is suite CRM 8 supported or tested yet Closed General Question
#5215 License can not VALIDATE in Suitecrm 7.4 - License can not VALIDATE in Suitecrm 7.4 Closed Installation
#5184 403 error - I have just installed and get a 403 error when trying to export from any module. Can you help me loc laura Closed Bug?
#4981 Dont work after Install - I installed the Addon according to the instructions and also did a Quick Repair and Rebuild. This wa Toombs Closed Bug?
#4589 PHPExcel deprecation and PHP versions - Hi, I had a chance of evaluating your plugin installed in the system of one of my clients. I noticed pgr Closed General Question
#4417 Cell with money value locked as text 'RS - I'm testing the plugin here in Brazil, the format for representing the money is R$, when exporting a jcmoreno8 Closed Bug?
#4346 SyntaxError in Script - Hi, i got after installation this error in Console: > Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'module Closed Bug?
#4124 only first page of listview is being exported - Hi, we are currently testing this addon and we have a case similar to this one: https://store.suite diligent technology & business consulting GmbH Closed Bug?
#4006 doesn't work for subpanel? - I cannot see the "Excel" button on the subpanel header. e.g. I cannot download the details of th joetcw Closed Feature
#3744 Ajax issues - Hey there, I´m having a bit of trouble with the latest version (20210706): After installation th rick Closed Installation
#3710 Date format incorrectly displayed - Hey there, I´m using the European date format (, which is also displayed fine in the li rick Closed Bug?
#3392 XLSX EXPORT PROBLEM - hello, We have a problem with export xlsx file, I already installed the new version from your doc vakov98 Closed Bug?
#3374 Report with related data/fields --> related data/fields not exported to excel - when exporting a report on the report module, related data could not be exported. The Column is crea taylordave85 Closed Bug?
#3373 Export Listview -> File Name with Spaces not working - When i export from the Listview, the export file is named with spaces at the date, and therefore cou taylordave85 Closed Bug?
#3134 Dropdown exported as keys - Hey there! One of our clients used the plugin to export some records from listview as planned. Bu diligent technology & business consulting GmbH Closed Bug?
#3045 Excel icon not appearing on some users? - For some users, the icon shows up. For others (including admin), there is no icon on any list views damon Closed Bug?
#2874 Roles / SecurityGroups - Hello! Is there a way to restrict the usage of the plugin / export to certain roles or securitygr diligent technology & business consulting GmbH Closed General Question
#2424 After export, Email column is empty - Hello, the plugin installation was successful and the export to xls is working. BUT, when I export erik2 Closed Feature
#2181 Menu option left after uninstall... - After uninstalling the product, the menu option for Export to Excel is not removed. How can this be jim.kramer Closed Bug?
#2173 Exporting Checkbox Fields - Checkbox fields not showing in exported Excel sheet: ![001.png]( jim.kramer Closed Bug?
#1854 Why is it limited to 3000 records? - Why is it limited to 3000 records? Can i increase it for more records? This is important for me to m dtosun Closed Feature
#1789 Export Only FIrst Page - As per my email, the module only exports the first page of results. leon Closed Bug?
#1773 Export Members of an Target List - Hi do you think its possible to export the members of an target-list to excel? THX Wolfgang wolfganglair Closed Feature
#1690 I need refund of this product cause is not working - I need a refund for this product cause is not working when we try to export covalle Closed Bug?
#1649 unable to export reports to excel - We are trying your producto when we select a report and export to excel it give us a black page plea covalle Closed Bug?
#1504 Trial Limits - Hi, is there a limitation on the trial? Im trying to export my entire contact list and it only expor leon Closed Bug?
#1156 Export address lines separately? - When exporting address data, the SuiteCRM "export to CSV" options always export street-address as a agray Closed General Question
  • "this plugin still has room for enhancement, but the developer is very helpful, that's why I gave it 5 stars." - fbeitt

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