Experts in Excel export. An export to Excel from any list, report or subpanel of SuiteCRM.
#2874 - Roles / SecurityGroups
General Question
created by diligent technology & business consulting GmbH Verified Purchase 4 years ago
Is there a way to restrict the usage of the plugin / export to certain roles or securitygroups?
4 years ago
Yes, If export isn't allowed for user in module by Role, Suite2Excel won't export records as well.
4 years ago
Perfect! Thank you very much for the immediate reply.
4 years ago
Hello again, one of our client uses your Plugin in his productive environment now and we sadly have an issue with the roles.
Our example user has no right to export, therefore he cannot use the bulk action to factory export any contact. The button for Suite2Excel, however, is available and functional for that user. Hence he can export contacts even though the role matrix states no rights to do so.
I attached screenshots for the role matrix, showing NONE for Contacts,
and for the list view showing no export in bulk action but the Suite2Excel button.
Clicking the latter will export the shown 8 contacts with all details.
We already ran a role repair and quick repair. What did we miss here for it to work as described?
Thanks, diligent Team
4 years ago
Thanks for reporting. We are goin to resolve it ASAP. What SuiteCRM version is?
4 years ago
The client uses 7.10.22 Thanks a lot for your quick response! Looking forward to an update.
4 years ago
Please check new 2020-07-22 version