Experts in Excel export. An export to Excel from any list, report or subpanel of SuiteCRM.
#1649 - unable to export reports to excel
We are trying your producto when we select a report and export to excel it give us a black page please help us
Experts in Excel export. An export to Excel from any list, report or subpanel of SuiteCRM.
We are trying your producto when we select a report and export to excel it give us a black page please help us
6 years ago
Hey, make sure you use the latest version of Suite2Excel (11.26). For more details about the issue I have contacted you directly.
6 years ago
We hav4 the 11.26 installed
6 years ago
Could you please help me whit this issue?
6 years ago
hey, what suite crm version and php version do you use? Also after error happens please send us sugarcrm error file to or contact us on skype - pagalba_20
You can check that it works on our demo crm: user:demo pass: demo