Need to auto populate value based on the value of related field? For this requirement Auto Populate is the perfect solution. The advanced configuration tools allow you to clearly define what should happen whenever a related field value changes.
Create Case
Support Cases | Author | Status | Type |
#5640 Sum of field in related records - Hi! I have a module (say, Orders) which has multiple related products and their totals. Is it possib | In Progress | General Question | |
#5306 SQL error with 7.14 - I am getting: [FATAL] Query Failed: DELETE FROM vi_autopopulate_calculate_fields where and autop | swetlanabange | In Progress | Bug? |
#4735 Will AutoPopulate work before the record is saved the first time? - Will AutoPopulate work before the record is saved the first time? Also, will auto populate be abl | peterjakob | In Progress | Bug? |
#4420 Auto Populate Field Data not save - I have created the auto populate for a date field. The value is populated into the column but data i | Hermes-Epitek | Closed | Bug? |
#4286 Issue after upgrade to 7.12.5 - I am seeing errors when trying to open modules that we've applied Auto Populate Fields to after upgr | jkortus1234 | Closed | Bug? |
#4145 Decimal and currency number format - Hello We use version 7.11.18 with Brazilian Portuguese as default language and "." as thousands s | keeggoSolucoes | Closed | Bug? |
#4098 Issue installing - When trying to install I get "Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details." Upon l | gregpalmer | Closed | Bug? |
#4082 Blank Page, can not access admin page - Hi, I have used this addon for few months, but today when I access to admin side from setting , the | tuanan | Closed | Bug? |
#3887 Autopopulate on create - Question, I want to autopopulate a field on create without chossing a related record as it is alread | stevethefaine | Closed | General Question |
#3869 Users (Employees) module not available - Is it intentional that Users (and in turn Employees) data are not available to use? We are tracking | david18 | Closed | General Question |
#3741 Should populate fields when select related record - Hi, When create new record; we can get the related fileds from another module then I edit these f | tuanan | Closed | Feature |
#3608 Problems installing - Hi, we tried to install on SuitcrmOnDemand and seems not to work. We tried on a different instance i | koenvlg | Closed | Bug? |
#3601 Cant copy cache error on installation - Hello, Im trying to install APF on my SuiteCRM installation following the installation steps and aft | dpv | Closed | Installation |
#3488 Problem with autopopulate fields - Dear friends, I have installed your "autopopulate fields" tool. The installation was fine. But whe | rtisseyr | Closed | Bug? |
#3479 Issue with calculate fields and accent - Hi I m facing an issue : where i m using calculed fields with concat fonction, if i m using a text | Groupe Cahors | Closed | Bug? |
#3113 Urgent - payment cancellation invoice: #11164 - We have recently purchased a trial of the Auto Populated Fields plugin. Having tested it, we realise | NALEP | Closed | General Question |
#3106 Uninstall Not Completing - I disabled VIAutoPopulate and tried to uninstall it so I can re-install the module, because it was n | dremgamble | Closed | Bug? |
#3070 "No match for field" for new AutoPopulateFields-9.0-Version7.11 version - Hi, I ve just set up the new VIAutoPopulateFields-9.0-Version7.11 version. Thank's for the new fo | Groupe Cahors | Closed | Bug? |
#2952 Not working for Custom Module - See attched screenshot , keeps popping up message : Please select matching type field | RiaanBez | Closed | Bug? |
#2909 Duplicate Entry - I created a relation between Quotes and Location. In quote I have two Locations, a pickup and a deli | support22 | Closed | Bug? |
#2852 Some fields are not being populated - After our latest case and this new install, it seems that autopopulation doesn't work fully right. | Groupe Cahors | Closed | Bug? |
#2840 Not populating relate fields - I installed the latest version of your plugin but it is not populating related fields. I checked a p | kinetix | Closed | Bug? |
#2811 Functiolity Not working - Hi, I could not see working functionality to evaluate in my system , whether it supports multi | CA. B.C.Chechani | Closed | General Question |
#2678 Invalid package on installation - Hi, Just purchased your addon and 30 days trils mode, it could not be installed , saying invalid pac | CA. B.C.Chechani | Closed | Installation |
#2651 Can't copy relate fields and date format issue - Hi , I downloaded yesterday. Our Suitecrm version is 7.1 | Groupe Cahors | Closed | Bug? |
#2557 Error on VIAutoPopulateFieldsRelateFieldName.php on line 57 - Hi, In our log, we get some errors as follow PHP Notice: Undefined variable: relatedModuleArray i | tuanan | Closed | Bug? |
#2448 Secondary Module NOT Populating - Hello, I have installed the Module as per your instructions and ran the repair. However when I g | RakataTech | Closed | Installation |
#2348 Users cannot add Dashlets to dashboard after installation - Hello, I've confirmed that this issue will occur for a fresh install of SuiteCRM 7.10.18 and curr | scottm | Closed | Bug? |
#2113 error when select Call as primary module - Hi, whe n select Call as primary module, i have this error :"This module does not have any relate | jlbebey | Closed | Bug? |
#2099 Undefined error message when doing field mapping - I am getting an error message when I try to map fields between secondary and primary modules. What | novitascg | Closed | Bug? |
#2074 Extending the Trial Period by 15 days - Hi, We have requested a new feature and today only we got the reply that the new release is avai | ShibuSukumaran | Closed | Feature |
#2049 Add-On Does Not Display Custom Fields That Are Checkboxes - I just downloaded the add-on and when I go to select fields from my primary and secondary modules, I | kinetix | Closed | Bug? |
#2034 Cant auto-populate custom fields - Hello I just purchased the trial. It's not letting me auto-populate custom fields in either module. | ryan1 | Closed | Bug? |
#1996 Can't copy non text fields like relate fields, flexrelate, relationship fields - Can't copy non text fields like relate fields, flex relate, relationship fields from one module to a | ShibuSukumaran | Closed | Bug? |
#1927 7.8.28 - We have been doing version testing. We are on a dev box with version 7.8.28. The plugin seems to b | jkoop | Closed | Bug? |
#1870 validate key fail - Just purchased and installed the module on our dev 7.8.17. all went fine. Added the validation | jkoop | Closed | Installation |
#1841 Quick Create - Does this work with quick create within a module where it will pull data into the quick create recor | mattforrest | Closed | General Question |