by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Need to auto populate value based on the value of related field? For this requirement Auto Populate is the perfect solution. The advanced configuration tools allow you to clearly define what should happen whenever a related field value changes.

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#2034 - Cant auto-populate custom fields

Closed Bug? created by ryan1 5 years ago

Hello I just purchased the trial. It's not letting me auto-populate custom fields in either module. It's only providing options for basic / standard fields. Can this be done?

  1. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    5 years ago


    Auto-Populate Fields Plugin working with custom fields as well. If you want to check then you check on our demo instance(

    I'm attaching screenshot of our demo instance. 1) In Configuration, Primary Module as Contacts and Secondary Module as Accounts. See Screenshot : 2) Configure Account Module standard field with Contact Module Custom field. See Screenshot : 3) Account Module Listview. See Screenshot : 4) Open Contact Module and Select Account. See Screenshot : 5) Auto-Populate Value in Custom field as per configuration. See Screenshot :

    If you still facing problem then please let us know your feasible time to connect remotely for checking your issue.

    Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  2. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    5 years ago


    Please let us know if you have any more questions on this ticket. If not then we will close this ticket.

    Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  3. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    5 years ago


    Thanks for your valuable support and being our customer. As per our last discussion related to ticket, hope you've received satisfied answer from our support team. For now, We're closing the ticket but if you've any questions or concern feel free to email us on or reply to the same ticket.

    Regards, Support Team Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

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