by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Need to auto populate value based on the value of related field? For this requirement Auto Populate is the perfect solution. The advanced configuration tools allow you to clearly define what should happen whenever a related field value changes.

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#5640 - Sum of field in related records

In Progress General Question created by 2 weeks ago

Hi! I have a module (say, Orders) which has multiple related products and their totals. Is it possible to calculate the sum of these product totals in a single field in Orders module?

  1. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    one week ago


    Let me confirm whether this scenario works with our add-on, as you need the total of the products added in the Line Item of the Order Module.

    Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  2. varianceinfotech member avatar

    Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

    one week ago


    As per your requirement, you want to auto-populate a value within the same module. For example, in the Order Module, if multiple products are added, you want the total of all products to be automatically filled in a specific field within the same module.

    Our add-on is designed to work based on Related Module Fields. For instance, in the Case Module, if there is a related Contact field, selecting a contact will automatically capture values from the selected contact and populate the Case Module fields according to the field mapping defined in the Configuration Page.

    If you require auto-population within the same module, it may require a custom implementation

    Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  3. kotasha member avatar

    one week ago

    Hi, but Orders and Products are different (related) modules. I just can't get my head around how to set this up in your demo environment, If you could create an example that would be great. Thank you

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      one week ago


      Orders and Products are separate modules in SuiteCRM, and the Line Item/Product selection in the Order Module is a custom development. Our add-on supports only related fields based on actual relationships between modules.

      Given this, your scenario is not feasible to configure using our add-on. To achieve the required functionality, we would need to implement a custom development tailored to your specific requirements.

      Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  4. kotasha member avatar

    one week ago

    What about a sum of related Order totals in a Contact record?

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      one week ago


      Do you have Related Field of Order Module in Contact Module? Also you have created Order as a Custom Module in SuiteCRM?

      Variance Infotech PVT LTD

  5. kotasha member avatar

    one week ago

    A Contact has many related Orders in subpanel (not a single field) - so I guess not? Orders is a in-built module

    • varianceinfotech member avatar

      Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd Provider

      one week ago


      In SuiteCRM, Quotes and Invoices are built-in modules. Could you confirm if you have renamed any module to "Orders"?

      Additionally, if your module has a related field for Orders, our add-on can auto-fill the values accordingly. However, if no such relationship exists, customization will be required to meet your specific needs.

      Variance Infotech PVT LTD

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