by Business Fundamentals

SuiteCRM BI-Directional link to Xero Automated BI-DIRECTIONAL synch between SuiteCRM and Xero, synch most recent record. Accounts, Contacts, Invoice and Products, connect and forget. Synch based on your criteria. This module also gives you the ability to manually update Accounts/Contacts/Invoice records to/from Xero

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5187 Http 500 Errors after install - on 7.14.2 and PHP 8.2 the module causes 500 errors when attempting to download pdf reports from quot paulcolton Closed Bug?
#4950 Plugin not validating - I followed the instructions here to the letter on a new install of SuiteCRM 7.13.3, but when I enter Andras Timar (Collabora) Closed Bug?
#4753 Does not connect to xero - when i am trying to connect to xero after clicking to the connect to xero button , xero connection s aditya1 Closed Installation
#4275 Blank screen when connecting to XERO - Hello I have followed all of the steps Installed the plug-in and have all the information from X t Closed Bug?
#3588 Extending the Trial Version - Hi Team, I need to confirm the possibilities regarding extending the trial version time period. Dinu1 Closed General Question
#3564 Process of Uninstalling the trial version - Hi, I have canceled the trial period, and I have to deactivate the addon in my SuiteCRM. Therefo Dinu1 Closed General Question
#3547 Xero Products - Hi Does the add on have the ability to create products in Xero if they don't exist? For example RichPeters Closed General Question
#3534 If we have 2 different name fields - Hi Team, I have a question for you guys. Our client has two different fields for the account nam Dinu1 Closed General Question
#3409 Installation Advise - SQL Import + internal SuiteCRM URL - **Item 1 - Running repairSugarDB.sql in Mariadb** 1. Installed the Plugin & downloaded the "repai FileSphere Closed Installation
#3377 Payment gateway integration - Hi. Our client is currently using your Xero Integration for SuiteCRM for their invoicing purposes Dinu1 Closed General Question
#3296 Selecting Account Name and Linking - Hi Team, If I create a record in the SuiteCRM will this record reflect on the XERO automatically, Dinu1 Closed General Question
#3287 Initial Setup - I followed the below steps:- 1) Setup a Xero Trail account 1) Login to Neurocom Closed Installation
#2997 Facing Issue on Xero Integration - I having a issue when click on **Connect to Xero** Return Message "No Xero connection details ha ychon08 Closed Bug?
#2892 Upgrade - Hi, If we previously installed the plugin and wanting to install the update. What is the recommen rodwinlising Closed General Question
#2652 Does this addon support Xero Oauth 2.0 ? - Hi Team, We are planning to trail this addon , Does this addon support Xero Oauth 2.0 ? We see it RedPiranha Closed Bug?
#2625 compatibility with Xero OAuth 2.0 - Hi. Xero has deprecated OAuth 1a and all new private apps require OAuth 2.0 compatibility. So effect ccr Closed General Question
#2207 Customized information - Would we be able to determine what information pulls through to a Xero customer from SuiteCRM? Speci AIE Closed General Question
#2205 Error for certificate key - Hi, we are getting the below error when trying to send data from CRM to Xero. We have checked sett AIE Closed Installation
#2203 Customization Options - Good day. We have made some custom changes on our SuiteCRM, and would like to discuss the following AIE Closed General Question
#1653 Only importing oldest 100 invoices & error in log - When i import invoices, only the oldest 100 for the account import. This inst a list view restrictio steve Closed Bug?
#1469 Error on updating account - This happens everytime I do an Update Xero whether inn Accounts or contacts module --- 14 PostDa rodwinlising Closed Bug?
#1415 sync currency between Xero and Suite - How do we correctly sync the currncy raised on an invoice from Xero to Suite as it seems to only use jamesg Closed Feature
#1414 Sync invoices from suite - We have successfully installed the modules for the Xero and SuitecrM integration and can sync accoun jamesg Closed Feature
#1305 PrePurchase functional questions - Hi We're looking to link Xero to SuiteCRM, and want to have for contacts that are linked an automat stripey Closed Feature
#1219 Xero Purcahses - Hello, We are very interested in using the plugin for a new customer. We use the plugin for an e RakataTech Closed General Question
#1180 Amount invoices synched - Hello, A quick question, please. Can you please let me know how long back the sync goes. We RakataTech Closed General Question
#1131 Logic of Contact/Account Integration - Hello, We have installed the BM + Invoice module which works well. One question. Can you please RakataTech Closed General Question