by Business Fundamentals

SuiteCRM BI-Directional link to Xero Automated BI-DIRECTIONAL synch between SuiteCRM and Xero, synch most recent record. Accounts, Contacts, Invoice and Products, connect and forget. Synch based on your criteria. This module also gives you the ability to manually update Accounts/Contacts/Invoice records to/from Xero

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#2203 - Customization Options

Closed General Question created by AIE 5 years ago

Good day. We have made some custom changes on our SuiteCRM, and would like to discuss the following with someone: 1) Installation seems to overwrite certain files related to Contact, Accounts and Quotes (as per our test environment install). Would like to discuss this further. 2) We need to understand the options to further apply custom changes between SuiteCRM and Xero. Would like to discuss this in more detail.

Currently, we have only installed the add-on for the test environment. We need to discuss the above, and possibly more, before we can proceed with planning the live install.

  1. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    HI AIE.

    You should have seen a notification screen after the installation of the module listing the files that had been located. A pre install script checks the following locations for the presence of the following files:

    Accounts module custom/modules/Accounts/metadata/detailviewdefs.php custom/modules/Accounts/views/view.list.php

    Contacts module custom/modules/Contacts/metadata/detailviewdefs.php custom/modules/Contacts/views/view.list.php

    Invoices module custom/modules/AOS_Invoices/metadata/detailviewdefs.php

    Quotes module custom/modules/AOS_Quotes/metadata/detailviewdefs.php

    Generally, you should only have problems with the files in the metadata folder... If the files are located by the pre-install script (they exist in the folders specified) they are RENAMED to .BACKUP-

    If you open the NEW files in a text editor you will find sections within all of them that are surrounded by comments:

    /************ custom xero button code, cut and paste as required *************/

    You will need to cut and paste that section of code into your OLD files to ensure the functionality works. Unfortunately the module had to be created in this way as, at time of creation, there was no work around to add that custom code section to the detailviewdefs.php files. There was a workaround using Javascript, however that depended on a Suite theme being used that had a particular tag in it. I'm not sure if that has been addressed as yet. Once the detailviewdefs.php files have been updated any further changes you make to it using the Admin -> Studio interface should be fine.

    If you'd like me to do the updates for you, please don't hesitate to email me your **OLD **files and the new ones and I'll get them updated ASAP

    Thanks for your time and patience

  2. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Sorry, the editor changed one line... the file is renamed to

    original file name.BACKUP-time stamp

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