by Business Fundamentals

SuiteCRM BI-Directional link to Xero Automated BI-DIRECTIONAL synch between SuiteCRM and Xero, synch most recent record. Accounts, Contacts, Invoice and Products, connect and forget. Synch based on your criteria. This module also gives you the ability to manually update Accounts/Contacts/Invoice records to/from Xero

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#1180 - Amount invoices synched

Closed General Question created by RakataTech Verified Purchase 6 years ago


A quick question, please.

Can you please let me know how long back the sync goes. We have a synced account/client and this works well but it only appears to be synching a selection of invoices. There are over 300 invoices in Xero but on 59 are coming down. I guess it could be that SuiteCrm is not showing them all allowing me to search for them but before we get into the detail are you able to let me know what it should be doing and/or if there are any settings so we can get a better understanding?



  1. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    It should be downloading ALL invoices for each contact. Couple of questions: this is a single contact with 300 invoices? can you filter/see the invoices in list view of invoices? You may not be able to see all of them in sub-panels, dependant on how you've set it up...


  2. RakataTech member avatar

    RakataTech Verified Purchase

    6 years ago


    Thanks for the reply. I have taken a look further and we can see we still have an issue. I have sent a link to an image which might shed some light on it. The number of invoices ties up at 100. However, as an example, we can see that 10663 is not in the DB at all.

    enter link description here

    Could it be that the status is because it is Invoice is set to Invoice Awaiting Payment?

    Looking forward to your reply.



  3. RakataTech member avatar

    RakataTech Verified Purchase

    6 years ago

    Hi...use this link URL




  4. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Xero limited to 100 invoices per call. Functionality added to module for unlimited invoices

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