by Business Fundamentals

SuiteCRM BI-Directional link to Xero Automated BI-DIRECTIONAL synch between SuiteCRM and Xero, synch most recent record. Accounts, Contacts, Invoice and Products, connect and forget. Synch based on your criteria. This module also gives you the ability to manually update Accounts/Contacts/Invoice records to/from Xero

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#1415 - sync currency between Xero and Suite

Closed Feature created by jamesg Verified Purchase 6 years ago

How do we correctly sync the currncy raised on an invoice from Xero to Suite as it seems to only use the default currency on SuiteCRM regardless of what currency is selected on Xero?

  1. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hey James, does this query mean that you've managed to fix your previous query about the invoice functionality? Whatever the case I'll need the answers to my questions in that query

    What versions/platform are you running on? PHP, SuiteCRM, MySQL versions etc Do you have access to the installation files and platform config/log files?

    Thanks for your time and patience

  2. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hey James, bit of work involved with the updating/merging of currencies from Xero to Suite.

    Firstly the currencies have to be created in Suite and they need to match what is coming out of Xero using the ISO 4217 codes. To begin that process do the following:

    In SuiteCRM: 1. Navigate to the Admin -> Currencies section 2. Using the page/listing found here: - create the currencies that you are using in Xero and want created as part of the invoice in SuiteCRM. The MOST important matching field is the ISO 4217 Code field. The entry you create in this field MUST match what is listed on the page referenced above so that it can be pulled back from Xero to Suite. If the field content DOESN'T match the process won't work

    Once you have completed that process, get back to me and I'll send you an updated file that will need to be uploaded to your hosting server for testing

    Please keep in mind, the currency conversion rate entered in Suite DOES affect the amounts listed in the Suite line items/invoice. That being the case, it may mean that you enter ALL conversion rates in Suite as 1 to ensure that the data you receive back from Xero (if that invoice is created using the correct conversion rates etc) is to remain consistent

    Thanks for your time and patience

    • MartyP member avatar

      Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

      6 years ago

      CASE is important when creating/entering the ISO codes in Suite e.g. usd and USD? USD is the correct code..

    • jamesg member avatar

      jamesg Verified Purchase

      6 years ago

      Hi There,

      The ISO Codes have been created correctly, invoice created in Xero using MUR but is listed as ZAR when synced to Suite. When using USD in Xero the amount is also shown as ZAR in Suite and no conversion has happened ie when adding 10 MUR in Xero it is shown as 10 ZAR in Suite and the same for 10 USD in Xero shows up as 10 ZAR in Suite

    • MartyP member avatar

      Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

      6 years ago

      Hey James, do you have access to the file system that your Suite is installed on? I have an updated file that should rectify your problem. If you do I'll send/email that file to the email address specified in this conversation,

      Quick question? Is this your query as well?

      Bit confused if it is, do you have two seperate installations?

    • jamesg member avatar

      jamesg Verified Purchase

      6 years ago

      Please forward the fix to that address as well as to Both queries are logged for the same system.

  3. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Syncrhonise currency functionality added to the component

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