by Business Fundamentals

SuiteCRM BI-Directional link to Xero Automated BI-DIRECTIONAL synch between SuiteCRM and Xero, synch most recent record. Accounts, Contacts, Invoice and Products, connect and forget. Synch based on your criteria. This module also gives you the ability to manually update Accounts/Contacts/Invoice records to/from Xero

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#1653 - Only importing oldest 100 invoices & error in log

Closed Bug? created by steve 6 years ago

When i import invoices, only the oldest 100 for the account import. This inst a list view restriction, if i filter all imported invoices the same 100 show.

Some errors shown in logs is also:

Fri Dec 14 09:38:47 2018 [28910][753cfb05-80c1-fb0c-5d1c-5a50f4afe1a4][FATAL] Query Failed: INSERT INTO aos_products_quotes(id,date_entered,date_modified,number,name,part_number,item_description,product_qty,product_cost_price,product_discount,discount,product_list_price,product_unit_price,product_total_price,product_id,group_id,parent_id,parent_type,line_item_id) VALUES ('a94b27b9-780d-6e42-ab78-5c137abb45c6',NOW(),NOW(),1,'REMOVED FOR SECURITY','','REMOVED FOR SECURITY','2.0000','89.95','','Percentage','89.95','89.95','179.90','383e2a04-a64c-84dd-1470-5bffcfbad686','e8ff2a2d-5a2f-e47f-a9f4-5c1378a2977d','e77cb5e5-4f46-9c9b-f7cb-5c1378f22a3c','AOS_Invoices','efd8ca4b-e3b9-4d97-a46b-29d1235f3012'): MySQL error 1366: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'product_discount' at row 1

Fri Dec 14 09:38:47 2018 [28910][753cfb05-80c1-fb0c-5d1c-5a50f4afe1a4][FATAL] Query Failed: INSERT INTO aos_products_quotes(id,date_entered,date_modified,number,name,part_number,item_description,product_qty,product_cost_price,product_discount,discount,product_list_price,product_unit_price,product_total_price,product_id,group_id,parent_id,parent_type,line_item_id) VALUES ('aa3778c1-7067-75f7-d27b-5c137a5e53c4',NOW(),NOW(),2,'Carriage','','Carriage','1.0000','9.95','','Percentage','9.95','9.95','9.95','383e2a04-a64c-84dd-1470-5bffcfbad686','e8ff2a2d-5a2f-e47f-a9f4-5c1378a2977d','e77cb5e5-4f46-9c9b-f7cb-5c1378f22a3c','AOS_Invoices','15ed9dd5-9114-4f28-bd19-1cca58964495'): MySQL error 1366: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'product_discount' at row 1

I'm using the latest version of Suitecrm (7.10.11) and the plugin reports its imported all invoices correctly.

  1. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hey Steve, just to confirm, this problem is happening when you go to the Accounts -> List view and press the bulk action menu Get Xero Invoices option? Do you have access to your installations code base?

    If you need a workaround, you may want to try identifying which accounts own the invoices being imported that are failing, try the Get Xero Invoices option again WITHOUT selecting those Accounts.

    I'll get back to you shortly after checking the code

    Thanks for your time and patience

  2. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hey Steve, have corrected code that I can send to you with instructions IF you have access to your code base. I'm also recompiling/uploading the changes made to the module online. I'll await your instructions on whether or not you'd like me to send you the updated code

    Thanks for your time and patience

    • steve member avatar


      6 years ago

      Thanks. Yes I have full root access to the box. If you can send me the changes I can test tomorrow.

  3. MartyP member avatar

    Business Fundamentals Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Updated code to allow unlimited download of invoices, Fixed code error

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