by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Email Software Integration helps you to connect your SuiteCRM Leads/Contact/Subscriber List with your favorite email marketing platforms. The following marketing platforms are supported: SendGrid, Mautic, Constant Contact, Active Campaign, SendIn Blue

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#4961 Compatibility with version 7.13.3? - Hi there, in the download section, you only provide the plugin up to v 7.12. Is this version comp mbe Closed General Question
#4580 German translation is not used overall - At SuiteCRM 8.1.2 I use the german translation and the email software integration. At most times, I mawe Closed Bug?
#4579 Email Software is most of times named "undefined" - If I create configuration in Email Software Integration, there is often the word "undefined" for Sui mawe Closed Bug?
#4578 Automatic Sync create double contact in Mautic and new Contacts in Mautic are not synced to SuiteCRM - Hi, after installation at SuiteCRM 8.1 and configuration "Email Software Integration" I configured mawe Closed Bug?
#4569 Manual Synch Sendinblue -> SuiteCRM works, but never ends - When synching contacts from Sendinblue to SuiteCRM manually, the process starts and the screen is s mbe In Progress Bug?
#4568 Auto Synch Sendinblue -> SuiteCRM only works once, then scheduler hangs - After having set up auto synch for contacts from Sendinblue to SuiteCRM, the following happens: - mbe In Progress Bug?
#4567 Way to identify contacts in SuiteCRM that are synced from Sendinblue - Hi there, currently we're testing your integration plugin with Sendinblue, which we use for gener mbe In Progress General Question
#4312 Date format problem in SendInBlue - SendInBlue only support date format of Y-m-d, however, if the default format of suitecrm was changed In Progress Bug?
#4311 Custom Field for SendInBlue - Since SendInBlue does not provided the custom field in api (read from previous support case), Is it In Progress Feature
#4306 Out of memory & timeout if contact database is large - My evaluate expired, I want to purchase it, however, there is a problem. Our contact database has m Closed Bug?
#4180 Mautic 4 support? - I know you're working on SuiteCRM 8+ support. Great! What about Mautic 4.1/4.2 support? Is that w tradewind Closed Bug?
#4151 Are you working to make this compatible with SuiteCRM 8.x? - Does anyone know if it works and they company just hasn't updated the supported list? tradewind Closed General Question
#4001 Same contacts will be created again an again (SendinBlue and Mautic) - Hi, I conntected SuiteCRM 7.11.20 and your plugin to Mautic and SendinBlue. It works, but after a marcowelter Closed Bug?
#3998 After installation integration page is empty and error in Apache log - Hi, I installed SuiteCRM 7.12.1 and your plugin with end "version 7.11." - in the documentation is marcowelter Closed Bug?
#3921 Active Campaign integration issue. - Hello Team, I have created an active campaign account. But I am not able to integrate it with sui Brainvire Infotech Pvt. Ltd Closed Bug?
#3745 Default mapping with custom field - Hi, I am having problems using your module. You will find the details below. I am at your disposa nicolasbotin Closed Bug?
#3498 Issue to instal V9 - Hi Dear, when I try to install the V9 version in site crm, the process it stopping at 17% with th Coverguard IT Closed Bug?
#3246 Sync issue (same as #3186) - Issue: 1. Module Mapping - once I click sync on a module while trying to complete the process and m wendellemos Closed Bug?
#3186 Issues with integration - Good afternoon, I am having issues getting mautic and suitecrm synced. Issue: 1. Module Mapp Austin.Kimbell Closed Installation
#3128 SendIn Blue - sync campaigns - campaigns can be sync with sendin blue? nehos Closed Feature
#3062 Does this Module support SuiteCRM v7.11.15 - We are currently trailing your module & have installed "VIEmailSoftwareIntegration-8.0-Version7.11.z Neurocom Closed Bug?
#3032 API key fields missing - After installation and selecting email application in "API configuration" - no key fields appear. Im johnaptim Closed Bug?
#3023 SendinBlue - Sync Account - Hi, we are interested to buy your plugin but we have to sync accounts between SendinBlue and Suitecr nehos Closed Feature
#2977 Cannot move past Step 14 on Mautic Implementation - Hi, We have SuiteCRM V7.10.18 and we are trying to sync to Mautic V2.16.3. Everything appears to Talenscio-Dave Closed Bug?
#2940 Mautic - Hi, Does this plugin support V3 of Mautic as that is now the current Mautic supported version? Talenscio-Dave In Progress General Question
#2937 Mautic - Lead Conversion - Hi, How does Variance manage lead conversions? I can see that you can map mautic contacts to lea Talenscio-Dave Closed Feature
#2826 New feature : Add a field checking synchronisation option - Hello, I have a question on a potential new feature you could provide. I would like to add a fie benjaminpeere Closed Feature
#2809 Mautic Integration with Forms/FileSubmission/Activity Display - Hello, We want to know how mautic forms can be used with pushing data to suite crm , Mautic Activ CA. B.C.Chechani Closed Feature
#2805 Synchronise more than 20 contacts suiteCRM to sendinblue - Hello, I am having a trouble synchronising contacts from SuiteCRM to Sendinblue, here is what I do benjaminpeere Closed Bug?
#2723 Missing table, synchronisation doesn't work with sendinblue - Good morning, I am havng a problem with the new plugin version, I installed it and after installing benjaminpeere Closed Bug?
#2669 missing table - Hello, at the end of the installation it looks like one table is missing: Table 'sugarcrm.viemailso lcharbonnier Closed Installation
#2657 Field Mapping Custom Fields in ActiveCampaign - Hi Team, I'm evaluating your integration and wanted to know if you support field mapping for cust jfailla Closed General Question
#2524 Module mapping, Sendinblue contact fields - Hello, I'm having trouble with the module mapping, when I want to map my fields between suiteCRM benjaminpeere Closed Bug?
#2383 Help in email plugin - Hello. Im testing the last version plugin javerrivas Closed Bug?
#2277 Cannot move past Step #14 for SendGrid integration. - Hi. I'm attempting to setup our integration with SendGrid. I've created the API key for SuiteCRM fol zorot1 Closed Bug?
#2233 Error in sync - Hi team, I've installed your last version on my 7.10.15 and theese are the problems (we are only usi dboila Closed Bug?