Email Software Integration helps you to connect your SuiteCRM Leads/Contact/Subscriber List with your favorite email marketing platforms. The following marketing platforms are supported: SendGrid, Mautic, Constant Contact, Active Campaign, SendIn Blue
#3745 - Default mapping with custom field
I am having problems using your module. You will find the details below. I am at your disposal for more information and I thank you in advance for your prompt feedback.
Versions: -CRM Suite 7.11.6 -mail Software Integration: VIEmailSoftwareIntegration-9.0-Version7.11 -SendInBlue API: v3
Steps : 1/registering the sendInBlue API 2/creation of a Contact to Contact mapping such as ---Email address -> email ---First Name -> FIRSTNAME (manually created for language compatibility) ---Last Name -> LASTNAME (manually created for language compatibility) ---Title -> CIVILITY (create manually) ---Description -> SEGMENTATION (create manually) 3 /Quick repair and rebuild
Note: I don’t have the native SMS field to sendInblue in the mapping (not blocking). Note: When I reopen the mapping, the Title reverts to “Select An Option” but seems to work (not blocking).
The result that I see with the two types of treatments:
Batch Creating a contact => OK Modification of the contact => KO
Automatic Synchro Creation of a contact =>: KO: creation of the email only Modification of the contact => KO: only the segmentation is updated (various tests indicate that this is the last field of the mapping)
My goal is to automatically synchronize in creation and update all the fields present in the mapping and new ones if necessary.
3 years ago
Apologies for the problem you're facing.
Can you please share the small video about your problem so we can understand easily your problem.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
3 years ago
What do you want to see in the video? And how can I send it (possible personal data) ?
3 years ago
We need to check the Configuration which you have added for the Field Mapping. Also you mentioned in some points OK and in some points KO. So we need to exactly understand the How you're checking so we can reproduce it from our end.
You can send us video on "".
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
2 years ago
Thanks for your valuable support and being our customer. We've not received any response from your side so for now, We're closing the ticket but if you've any questions or concern feel free to email us on or generate new ticket.
Support Team Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd