Email Software Integration helps you to connect your SuiteCRM Leads/Contact/Subscriber List with your favorite email marketing platforms. The following marketing platforms are supported: SendGrid, Mautic, Constant Contact, Active Campaign, SendIn Blue
#4580 - German translation is not used overall
At SuiteCRM 8.1.2 I use the german translation and the email software integration. At most times, I see german translations. But, for example, at "add license", there is always the english texts. I showed the translation file in file-system, there is for the add license page an german translation. What is my mistake?
2 years ago
License Page code provided by the SuiteCRM Store.
is it possible for you to share your CRM Login Credential, FTP Details?
If yes then please share with us on "". So we'll check it from our end and you will get quick solution.
Variance Infotech PVT LTD
2 years ago
After Repair it works at SuiteCRM 8.2.1