Email Software Integration helps you to connect your SuiteCRM Leads/Contact/Subscriber List with your favorite email marketing platforms. The following marketing platforms are supported: SendGrid, Mautic, Constant Contact, Active Campaign, SendIn Blue
#2657 - Field Mapping Custom Fields in ActiveCampaign
Hi Team,
I'm evaluating your integration and wanted to know if you support field mapping for custom fields created in Active Campaign?
Currently, you only show the default Active Campaign fields. The integration would be amazing if I could map custom fields – otherwise I cannot use it.
Thanks, John
5 years ago
Active Campaigns didn't provided any API for getting Default fields/Custom Fields for any Module. So we've implemented like getting records of any Module for Active Campaigns and using response we've got fields.
Contacts Module Record Response : See Screenshot :
If there is no records available on Active Campaigns then we've put some static fields which is necessary for store record in Active Campaigns.
Below are the Static Fields For Each Module, Contacts: email, phone, firstName,l astName, orgname, links, account, customerAccount, organization Contacts_List: name, sender_reminder Organizations: name
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
5 years ago
Thank you for your response and clarification. Unfortunately, I need to map to a custom field I created in Active Campaign to accomplish what we need.
I'll keep this integration in mind as a fall-back option. Keep up the good work!
5 years ago
Thank you for you feedback.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD