Email Software Integration helps you to connect your SuiteCRM Leads/Contact/Subscriber List with your favorite email marketing platforms. The following marketing platforms are supported: SendGrid, Mautic, Constant Contact, Active Campaign, SendIn Blue
#2723 - Missing table, synchronisation doesn't work with sendinblue
Good morning,
I am havng a problem with the new plugin version, I installed it and after installing it and I did a repair suitecrm told me there was 2 tables missing and proposed me to create them, the tables are vi_emailsotfwareintegrationsynclog and viemailsoftwareintegrationlicenseaddon, as you can see on the screenshot.
Also, even if the plugin is installed, I link it with sendinblue with my API key, I create the relation, and when I try to sync my SuiteCRM contacts to Sendinblue, no contacts are sync.
I guess the problem might come from the tables that are not created at the instalation and probably there is no data in these table as I create them after I installed the plugin.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regard.
4 years ago
Once you install plugin and try to do Repair & Rebuild, If CRM asked for Execute Query for tables then you need to Execute it.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
Hello, Yes of course I already executed the query, and after this I can access to the plugin, but the thing is when I try to sync my contacts from suiteCRM to SendInBlue it doesn't work. And I don't know where it comes from. Best regards.
4 years ago
Did you configured cron on your Server?
For Sync Data from SuiteCRM to SendInBlue, Cron must be set on your server.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
No I haven't configured cron on my server, it is not specified, how should I configure it?
4 years ago
We've mentioned in Release Notes. When we released our add ons with Batch Management feature, Cron must be set on server.
See Screenshot :
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
Hello, Notre interrogation est que la clé de licence ne soit pas inséré dans la table. Puisque la table a été créé après. Regards
4 years ago
Hello, Our question is that the license key is not inserted in the table. Since the table was created after. Regards
4 years ago
License Key is inserted in config table. Please check config table.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
I checked in the config table and effectively we have the Licence key, also cron is already set up on the server, but it still doesn't work, is there a special configuraiton to do?
4 years ago
After setup cron on server, you need to check log for it's triggered or not.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
We finally made it work approximately, the contacts are synchronized with sendinblue but only the email address, Firstname and Lastname are not sync in sendinblue, that was supposed to be the new feature of this release, we are using "VIEmailSoftwareIntegration-7.0-Version7.11" version of the plugin. I hope we can make it work together. Best regards.
4 years ago
Please download latest version of our add-on from SuiteCRM Store.
After installing latest version, if you'll face any problem then let us know we'll surely help to you.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
We downloaded the latest version and it doesn't work, it is even worst, before email address were synchronized and now nothing is synchronized.
4 years ago
It works now for email address but not for firstname and lastname, I also tried with an older version (6.0 version 7.11) and it is the same
4 years ago
We've checked on our server and it's working properly with Email Address, FIrstname and Lastname.
is it possible to give us your CRM Credentials, Server Access, Database Access and SendInBlue Credentials if you don't mind?
If yes then you can share us on "". So we can check it from our end & you'll get quick solution
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD
4 years ago
Hello, I sent you the different informations you asked for by email. I hope we can find a solution. Thanks for the good support. Best regards.
4 years ago
Thanks for sharing details on the email.
If we need any further information then we'll contact you through email.
We'll check and update you soon.
Regards, Variance Infotech PVT LTD