SuiteCRM Asterisk Integration, Click To Call, Call Notification Popup, Call Logs, Call Recordings, Call notes, Call transfer. Supports Asterisk, FreePBX, Elastix, ViCiDial, FusionPBX, Freeswitch, Twilio, Kaleyra , MyOperator
Create Case
Support Cases | Author | Status | Type |
#5642 Error in installing trial version - Hello there. I have downloaded the trial version and I tried to install it on a fresh test SuiteCRM | it37 | Open | Installation |
#5638 Unable to configure for want of configuration details - Sir, I am evaluating the module. I am unable to connect to asterisk server. for want od details of | Open | Bug? | |
#5633 not connected to IPBX - Need help to finish the install | Open | Installation | |
#5568 FreePBX - Doing 30 day install. Please provide guide to install on FreePBX 16 via SSh root. Thanks. | Albert Afonso | Open | Installation |
#5507 Instalation issues - Cant seem to install it correctly and I cannot undo the installation. Please need help Lawrenc | Open | Installation | |
#5301 suiteCRM refused to upload the package, it says manifest file is missing although it is included in the package - suiteCRM refused to upload the package, it says manifest file is missing although it is included in | akinanny | Open | Bug? |
#5276 Version for SuiteCRM - Good day! Just want a recommendation which version of SuiteCRM and Asterisk best suit this Asteri | ISS | Open | Installation |
#5259 Dual Call - Good evening! I installed suitecrm on a freepbx server and I created a queue to which I mentioned se | Open | General Question | |
#5177 most features are not functional - we have installed plugin and connected to asterisk server via AMI. Click to call is functional, howe | teague | Open | Feature |
#5082 Asterisk Integration With SuiteCRM - Recordinglink IP or Port - What are Recordinglink IP or Port ? where I can find? regards | nehos | Open | Installation |
#5056 View asterisk call not workig - Hi support, SuiteCRM version 7.14 with Asterisk Integration, view asterisk call not working : | Open | Bug? | |
#5052 Asterisk Integration Issue - Hi support, I install Asterisk integration module and red hangup button from popup call, didn't do | Open | Bug? | |
#4799 PBX server on different ip Not working on CRM end - Hello We installed the plugin following the document and everything went smooth. Our pbx server is | chris15 | Open | Bug? |
#4715 Jossel - No me reconoce la licencia al final de la instalación, no aparece success ni el botón continuar | jahcv2011 | Open | Installation |
#4705 floppy disk used to save the writings does not appear - Hello, we have been using your module for a long time, but we would like to use a function that we h | jmouton | Open | Bug? |
#4659 Error with socket - We are getting this error: please note we have our pbx at not and actually our crm | henry2 | Open | Bug? |
#4652 License Validation - Good morning, I am trying to license the trial install and I keep getting the following error: Fa | Open | Installation | |
#4545 unable to make call - i purchased the plugin and install it. after installation it showing me error "Incomplete Ast | Thinkrealty | Closed | Bug? |
#4465 SMS and Whatsapp - Hi, In the feature list presents: . Send one click SMS and Whatsapp from the Popup window (neede | adriano | Open | General Question |
#4430 FreePBX Integration - can be configured as follows. server A: Freepbx Server B: SuiteCRM | evalencia | Open | Installation |
#4024 FusionPBX Integration Support - Does it support FusionPBX (Freeswitch) If yes, how to configure it. | shergill1504 | Open | General Question |
#3816 FreePBX Integration - Need assistance with integration with FreePBX. Does not show piq after starting application | dpp | Open | Installation |
#3470 Unable to validate the license key - Hello - i have a problems with this Failed: SugarOutfitters_API::call(): Unable to validate the l | anovik | Open | Installation |
#3090 Tried to install plugin and facing Javascript issue, even can not click on the call button - Tried to install plugin and facing JavaScript issue, even can not click on the call button. I am usi | SaadKhakwani | Closed | Bug? |
#3063 Cannot connect to freepbx - Hi How can I connect to FreePBX, I cannot reach you at skype id live:dreamertechs Solutions prov | admin29 | Closed | Installation |
#3008 will it work with suitecrm running on IIS and MS-sql server? - we are unning suitecrm on IIs and a MS-sql server not the usual Linux and mysql setup... will it wo | Serge Pelletier | Closed | Installation |
#2902 Not able to view my asterisk call notification - Hello I am not able to view asterisk call notification icon or any sync between suite crm and fr | birfait | Closed | General Question |
#2877 Can start asterisk server - FreePBX - I've installed the extension and added the server. It says Asterisk service started successfully but | mike1 | Closed | Installation |
#2833 Cant START Asterisk Servers - Solutions provided | manir | Closed | Installation |
#2662 No pop up - Hi, I followed all instructions on the installation guide, but when receiving calls I get no popup | ydancziger | Closed | Installation |
#2660 Error Asterisk Integration module ! - Hi, we bought the Asterisk SuiteCRM Integration module from you . We installed the module accordin | farpost | Closed | General Question |
#2536 PBX-CRM Configuration - Hi , We were able to configure most of the things on asterisk server but there are some gaps that | nftsuitecrm | Closed | Installation |
#2505 SuiteCRM Asterisk PBX Integration - Hi, We have setup the suitecrm environment with asterisk plugin. We are able to configure the aster | nftsuitecrm | Closed | Installation |
#2458 Unable to connect to asterisk server - Hi, We have asterisk server host ip, SIP username, secret key and port number but we are unable t | nftsuitecrm | Open | Bug? |
#2404 Do i need to install something on the asterisk server? - Hello I am aware (and expect) that I must specify a user in the "asterisk manager user"... (free pb | Serge Pelletier | Closed | Installation |
#2389 issue while configure asterisk-integration-with-suitecrm - Hi, support: I follow step-by-step instructions in the following url https://store.suite | wtaochange | Closed | Installation |
#2299 Intergration with Gamma Horizon tapi driver - Hi There Will your plugin allow me to intergrate SuiteCRM with Gamma Horizon tapi driver (https | Customer_Support | Closed | General Question |
#2264 SuiteCRM calender conflict with asterisk integration - I have integrated asterisk extension in my suitecrm application. Whenever I am selecting call notif | ankit.negi | Closed | General Question |
#2124 search contact or account in other custom phone field - Hi, It is possible for this extension to search a caller in other custom phone field ? In my cas | jlbebey | Closed | General Question |
#2123 need to have Log Call from menu for non existing contact ou account - Hi, We need to have in the menu the option to log call when a caller is unknow (not exist as cont | jlbebey | Closed | General Question |
#2092 Does this addon work on FreePBX with Asterisk version 16.3.0 - FreePBX with Asterisk version 16.3.0 | deeksha.shetty | Closed | General Question |
#1847 problem integrating to asterisk - i've installed the module per your instructions, and entered the details. but there is no pid and no | lior | Closed | Installation |
#1830 We have problems with the integration to a pascom PBX - We use a pascom PBX. This system is based on a asterisk pbx. But I do not have the Information that | finance | Closed | Installation |
#1749 Pre-sale question about "RecordingLink" and NodeJS - Hello, Reading your documentation (before starting the trial), I noticed "RecordingLink" IP and p | dindiface | Closed | Installation |
#1709 No PID after Asterisk Service Has Been Started - Hi, After configuring the Asterisk Server parameters, the service is started correctly but there i | camiloduque | Closed | Installation |
#1686 PJSIP Support - Does this support PJSIP? We can't seem to get outbound calls working, Asterisk log shows: chan_s | barry | Closed | Installation |
#1669 Recording Link IP and Port - I am trying to set up my add on and I am not sure how to find out what my recording link IP and Port | MartyC | Closed | Installation |
#1656 Undefined index: LBL_UW_TYPE_MODULE - ![Capture.PNG]( | thang | Closed | General Question |
Other add-ons of interest
call notifications
Call recording
suitecrm asterisk integration
Call masking
SuiteCRM Quickdial
Call reporting
crm dialer
SuiteCRM Call popup
SuiteCRM Call recording
SuiteCRM Clicktocall
SuiteCRM Dialer
Progressive Dialer
Call logging
suitecrm freepbx integration
freepbx integration with suitecrm