by Dreamer Technologies

SuiteCRM Asterisk Integration, Click To Call, Call Notification Popup, Call Logs, Call Recordings, Call notes, Call transfer. Supports Asterisk, FreePBX, Elastix, ViCiDial, FusionPBX, Freeswitch, Twilio, Kaleyra , MyOperator

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#4705 - floppy disk used to save the writings does not appear

Open Bug? created by jmouton 2 years ago

Hello, we have been using your module for a long time, but we would like to use a function that we had not used until now, which consists of being able to write during the conversation so that the system records a call log. but we have the following problem: randomly, the floppy disk used to save the writings does not appear, so we cannot save what we type. Can you help me please

  1. dreamertechs member avatar

    Dreamer Technologies Provider Affiliate

    2 years ago

    Hi Juien,

    Thanks for reaching us!

    Sure, We can help but before that, we need to understand the exact needs. Can we connect on Skype and discuss the needs?

    Skype message did on your skype id, please lets connect there for support.

    Team Dreamer Technologies Skype: dreamertechs Whatsapp: +918866461183

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